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Press Release

Chairman Bishop Reacts to President’s Last State of the Union Address

House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address:

“The President has a knack for making awful policies sound like good ideas. What we should pay closer attention to is what was not said. In the shadows lurked the cascade of unilateral actions and costly regulations he’s planning, after having failed to move his agenda through Congress even when it was in Democratic hands. Not once did he mention the thousands of job losses that will result from the hundreds of  harmful regulatory re-writes set to come from the Department of the Interior in the coming months.  Not once did he mention the threat of unilateral land grabs and monument decrees under the guise of preservation.

“The Committee will continue to work to hold the Obama Administration accountable and put legislation on the President’s desk that helps people. It’s never too late for him to engage on building a better future rather preach about it.”