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Press Release

Bishop: President Obama’s Energy Agenda is Powering Dependency

House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) today issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s remarks at the Eighth Annual National Clean Energy Summit in Las Vegas, Nevada.

“Once again, the President is deceptively touting his Administration’s agenda as necessary to expand affordable energy to more Americans. This could not be further from the truth. The Administration’s energy policies are leveling increased costs and decreased choices on all Americans and especially the most disadvantaged communities. The President claims to be a champion of energy progress but his record over the last eight years has actually undercut the energy progress that has been spearheaded by industry and states.

“Raising utility prices by as much as $1,000 per family which will reduce GDP by as much half a percentage point a year is not powering progress, but instead a recipe for America’s decline and continued energy dependency. Instead of spending another $1 billion of taxpayer money to prop up noncompetitive sources of energy, the President should cut barriers to energy development on federal land and offshore.”