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Committee Votes

Strengthening Fishing Communities and Increasing Flexibility in Fisheries Management Act (H.R. 1335)

Full Committee Markup April 30, 2015

​Reporting H.R. 1335 Out of Committee (Adopted by a Roll Call Vote of 21 yeas and 14 nays)
To amend the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery Conservation and Management Act to provide flexibility for fishery managers and stability for fishermen, and for other purposes.

​MacArthur .014 Amendment (Adopted by Voice Vote)

​Wittman .013 Amendment (Withdrawn)

Duncan of South Carolina .018 Amendment (Adopted by Voice Vote)

Young of Alaska En Bloc Amendment .053 (Adopted by Voice Vote)

Capps .003 Amendment (Not Adopted by Voice Vote)

Dingell .008 Amendment (Not Adopted by Voice Vote)

Lowenthal .005 Amendment (Not Adopted by Roll Call Vote of 12 yeas and 22 nays)

Graves Amendment (Not Adopted by Roll Call Vote of 16 yeas and 22 nays)

Beyer .001 Amendment (Not Adopted by Roll Call Vote of 15 yeas and 21 nays)

Huffman .007 Amendment in the Nature of a Substitute (Not Adopted by Voice Vote)

​*For complete legislative action for the April 30, 2015 Full Committee Markup, click here