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Press Release

Chairman Bishop Reacts to President’s State of the Union Address

House Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop (UT-01) tonight issued the following statement in response to President Obama’s State of the Union Address: 

President Obama tonight spoke about expanding our economy and attaining energy security, but time and again, he has actively blocked the responsible development of our domestic energy resources. He reiterated his commitment to investing in education, yet failed to acknowledge that his administration’s restrictive land use policies are denying local communities the tax revenue that is necessary to make these investments.

“While the President’s rhetoric suggests that he is inclined to change course, his administration’s punitive regulatory agenda speaks with greater authority. Look no further than the 600 new rules and regulatory notices that have been issued by federal agencies since the start of the New Year. In the coming weeks and months, the House Natural Resources Committee will conduct thorough and aggressive oversight to hold the Obama Administration to account for its actions.