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Hastings Letter to Secretary Moniz Regarding Unfulfilled Requests on the Chu Memo to Federal Power Marketing Administrators

Dear Secretary Moniz:

The Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") has been conducting oversight and investigatory activities regarding your predecessor's March 16, 2012 "Memorandum for the Federal Power Marketing Administrators." For nearly a year, the Committee has repeatedly sought communications and documents from the Department in order to shed light on the decision-making process that resulted in that memorandum and the subsequent final recommendations. Those resulting final recommendations, released in January 2013, implement policies which steer the Power Marketing Administrations ("PMAs") away from their statutorily defined purpose.

To date, the Committee's requests remain almost wholly unfulfilled. It is essential that the Department respond to the Committee's outstanding requests so the Committee can properly perform its oversight duties and provide the American people - particularly those who receive a portion of their power from the PMAs - with a better understanding of the intent and effects of Secretary Chu's memorandum.

Read the entire letter HERE.