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Chairmen Hastings and Lamborn Follow-up Letter to Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall Regarding Requested Documents on the 6-month Gulf of Mexico Deepwater Drilling Moratorium

Dear Ms. Kendall:

On April 25, 2011, we requested the underlying documents, drafts and communications reviewed by the Office of Inspector General (OlG) in reaching its conclusion and issuing its Report of Investigation - Federal Moratorium on Deepwater Drilling Case No. PI-PI-I 0-0562-1. Specifically, we requested the following items:

Any and all documents, referring, relating, or pertaining, directly or indirectly, to:

a. The Report oflnvestigation - Federal Moratorium on Deepwater Drilling, including but not limited to emails or other communication regarding the Executive Summary or any portion of the draft report "Increased Safety Measures for Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf;"

Read the entire letter, HERE.