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Chairmen Hastings and Lamborn Letter to Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall Requesting Additional Information Relating to the Gulf Drilling Moratorium Report

Dear Ms. Kendall:

We write concerning the Committee on Natural Resource's ("Committee") long-running investigation into the May 27,2010 Department of the Interior ("Department") report entitled, "Increased Safety Measures for Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf' ("Drilling
Moratorium Report").

As you know, Republican members of the Committee called upon your office in July 2010 to investigate the circumstances surrounding the editing of this report and its Executive Summary, which implied peer reviewers had reviewed and endorsed a 6-month Gulf of Mexico oil and gas drilling moratorium when in fact they had not. The Office ofInspector General ("IG") issued an 8-page report in November 2010, finding that "the White House edit of the original [Department] draft Executive Summary led to the implication that the moratorium had been peer reviewed by the experts.

Read the entire letter HERE.