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Press Release

Chairman Hastings Visits Texas for HEAT's American Energy Tour

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today joined Congressman Francisco “Quico” Canseco (TX-23) and Congressman Mike Conaway (TX-11) in Midland, TX for the “2012 American Energy and Jobs Tour: Promoting the Economy Through American Energy” led by the House Energy Action Team (HEAT).

The Members toured a drilling rig and hydraulic fracturing site and then held an energy roundtable to discuss job and economic impacts of high energy prices and how federal regulations are hindering development of American energy resources.

“Here in Texas, it’s easy to see the positive job and economic impacts of energy production. However, there are numerous examples, like there are all over the country, of that energy production being threatened by burdensome government regulations and red tape,” said Chairman Hastings. “American families and small businesses cannot afford to continually see gasoline prices spike because of our country’s dependence on foreign energy. As Chairman of the Natural Resources Committee, I’m committed to advancing common sense action plans that will help produce more American energy and create more American jobs. The House has already passed numerous measures to expand energy production, on which the Senate has failed to act, and we expect to move additional legislation this summer.”


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