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Chairman Hastings Memorandum to Republican Committee Members Regarding the Purpose and Need for Business Meeting to Authorize the Issuance of Subpoenas

TO: Republican Members, Committee on Natural Resources

FROM: Doc Hastings, Chairman

RE: Full Committee Meeting to Authorize Issuance of Subpoenas

Today, official notice was given that the Full Committee will meet at 10 a.m. next Wednesday, March 28, 2012, to consider a motion to authorize the Chairman to issue duces tecum subpoenas for the production of documents relating to two long-running oversight investigations.

The first oversight investigation concerns the Obama Administration's actions to rewrite a coal production regulation, and whether this rewrite is being properly conducted, even though tens of thousands of jobs and energy costs across the country would be directly and indirectly affected by this regulation.

The second oversight investigation concerns why an Obama Administration report that recommended a six-month drilling moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico was edited to make it falsely appear as though the moratorium was supported by a panel of engineering experts. The imposition of this drilling moratorium by political appointees without any apparent technical, scientific, or economic analysis cost thousands of jobs, caused economic pain throughout the Gulf region, and decreased American oil and natural gas production.

Both investigations have been ongoing for over one year - and both matters raise serious questions about the actions of the Obama Administration, the resulting significant impact on the economy, and thousands of lost American jobs.

Read the entire memorandum HERE.