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National and Local Organizations Support Republican Plan to Stop Man-Made California Drought

Organizations from across the country are calling for passage of H.R. 1837, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act, legislation to prevent future California man-made droughts. This comprehensive solution will bring water supply certainty to the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys, protect 30,000 jobs, generate millions in federal revenue, and decrease reliance on foreign food sources.

What They’re Saying:

National Taxpayers Union

“California water policy has always been an extremely complex process involving numerous, often competing, interests. The Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act would strike an elegant and sensible balance among many concerns, including property rights, environmental sustainability, and economic development, all in a way that benefits citizens as well as governments at many levels.”

Americans for Tax Reform

“Restoring long held water rights, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act is necessary to return thousands of jobs to California’s San-Joaquin Valley. This once vibrant region is stymied by an obtrusive government that is preventing local farmers from acquiring water needed to grow crops and produce. Given the number of Americans searching for work, [H.R. 1837] is commonsense measure that can’t be signed into law fast enough.”

Citizens Against Government Waste

“It is reprehensible that the federal government would put the needs of fish before the livelihoods of Americans and the wallets of taxpayers. [CAGW]strongly urges support [for] the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act.”

Americans for Limited Government

“[H.R. 1837] would bring relief to farmers in the Central Valley and those to the north in the Sacramento Valley. Going back to the many issues that plague California, this bill is a welcomed change. It costs nothing, yet restores the rights of citizens, raises federal revenues and puts thousands of people back to work.”
“It’s hard to believe that a government would be willing to withhold water from its citizens in an attempt to protect a fish. You might see this behavior from a corrupt dictator in another country, but it should never happen in America.”

U.S. Chamber of Commerce

“Water is the most essential element to life on earth and an economic driver for strengthening our economy and keeping our communities vibrant and healthy.”
“H.R. 1837 would restore water deliveries to communities by codifying the historic, bipartisan “Bay-Delta Accord,” a water agreement entered into by the State of California, the Federal government, water agencies, and environ­mental organizations.”

Agricultural Retailers Association

“This act directly addresses many of the critical issues facing California’s agricultural industry. Returning the water supply to the Central Valley will revive the agricultural community and economy by creating thousands of new, reliable jobs.”

Supima Cotton

“We believe [H.R. 1837] offers a solution that would restore water deliveries that have been cut-off due to federal regulations and environmental lawsuits, ensure a reliable water supply for people and fish, protect and secure water rights and save taxpayers money...”

Western Plant Health Association

“WPHA believes it is critical that water reliability be restored to the San Joaquin Valley before water availability returns to crisis levels. This bill is an important step in creating balance between agricultural needs, urban water demands, and environmental protection.”

National Chicken Council

“At a critical time like now when full production of all crops across the United States is necessary to hold-down food inflation, expand exports, and re-employ workers, it is not acceptable to have arbitrary and unnecessary government restrictions on the appropriate and prudent use of cropland in the Valley. The National Chicken Council stands with our counterparts in supporting passage of H.R. 1837, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act.”

Madera County Board of Supervisors

“H.R. 1837 adequately addresses the Central Valley’s water concerns by addressing the need for a reliable water supply for both urban and agricultural users while working towards restoring balance, flexibility and consistency to operations of the Central Valley Project and California Water Project.”

Kern County Water Agency

“[H.R. 1837] is an ambitious effort to address those issues by improving the almost 10-year old Central Valley Project Improvement Act (CVPIA), improving the Endangered Species Act standards in the Delta, simplifying the tangled implementation issues surrounding the San Joaquin River Settlement Agreement (Settlement Agreement), and improving fiscal and contract management of the Central Valley Project (CVP).”

Apricot Producers of California

“Because apricot production is located on the Westside of the San Joaquin Valley, a reliable, stable water source such as H.R. 1837 provides is absolutely necessary of the continued production of apricots in California.”
“This was an agreement that guaranteed water to all, while doing it in a manner that was agreeable to restoring the ecosystem while improving the water supply.”

California Cattlemen’s Association

“Creating a balance between environmental and agricultural needs is a goal that we believe H.R. 1837 achieves well.”
“By allowing water districts to maximize their conjunctive use of ground and surface water, this bill will help farmers and ranchers ensure that they will be able to survive dry seasons without incurring large operational costs.”

California Cotton Ginners and Growers Associations

“We believe this bill offers that comprehensive solution that would restore water delivers that have been cut-off due to federal regulations and environmental lawsuits, ensure a reliable water supply for people and fish, protect and secure water rights and save tax payer money by ending unnecessary and dubious government projects that accomplish little if any benefits.”

California Poultry Federation

“When this legislation passes, it would restore the flow of water to communities in the world’s most productive and progressive agricultural region, creating more than 25,000 jobs and much more water each year.”
“It would save taxpayers $1 billion and reaffirm a water accord supported by both political parties.”

California Water Alliance

“The Act is the critical first step in achieving balance among the urban, rural, and environmental demand on California’s Central Valley Project and State Water Project. The Act improves the federal government’s approach to solving the ongoing water crisis and the state and federal policies that have led to recent economic and human devastation.”

Families Protecting the Valley

“Like all other legislation to come out of Congress, it still has to get through the Senate. We know that’s an iffy proposition, but because this act is based on the 1994 Bay Delta Accord that was highly praised and supported by U.S. Senator Diane Feinstein, Congressman George Miller, Interior Secretary Bruce Babbit and Governor Pete Wilson, we feel it has to be taken seriously and given a chance.”

Family Farm Alliance

“Opponents of the legislation ignore that under the provisions of H.R. 1837, the Central Valley Project would annually manage more than 1.5 million acre-feed for fish and wildlife restoration and enhancement, and the California State Water Project would annually contribute 500 thousand acre-feed toward these purposes.”
“H.R. 1837 would require that federal and state fishery agencies more efficiently manage water supplied dedicated to fish and wildlife restoration and enhancement holding environmental uses of water to the same standard currently applied to farms throughout the Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys.”

Greater Fresno Area Chamber of Commerce

“This bill is a critical step in solving California’s water crisis while attempting to achieve balance between urban, rural, and environmental demands on the Central Valley Project and State Water Project.”

Fresno County Farm Bureau

“California farmers are at the forefront of efficiently utilizing their water supplies to produce a bounty of agricultural products desire around the world...The provisions of H.R. 1837 reflect a commitment to protecting water rights and to building a more reliable water supply for the state and agriculture.”

Madera County Farm Bureau

“This is an incentive with an end result that benefits all water users, and is beneficial for the environment.”
“We have long been aware that we do not have a water supply problem in California. What is occurring today is a water delivery problem. H.R. 1837 will aid in addressing deliver constraints.”
“Many factors, including timing of the Delta Smelt legal ruling, contributed to a San Joaquin River Settlement that is inherently flawed, economically infeasible, and ineffective at addressing the multiple challenges in the CVPIA service area as a whole.”

Kings County Farm Bureau

“The Sacramento-San Joaquin Valley Water Reliability Act promotes water policies that facilitate the delivery of California’s abundant supply of water, as well as support the implementation of an economically feasible and environmentally sustainable river restoration on the San Joaquin River.”

Almond Hullers and Processors Association

“Members of AHPA represent over 90% of the California Almond industry based on tonnage... We appreciate all efforts made to protect the San Joaquin Valley water supply as it’s vital to the wellbeing of our industry and our state.”

Fresno Board of Supervisors

“It (is) with tremendous pride that Fresno County is the number one agricultural county in the nation with a value of more than $5.9 billion in 2010. We feed and clothe the world but we cannot continue to produce without a more reliable water supply for California and agriculture. H.R. 1837 is critical in achieving a balance between urban, rural and environmental demands.”

Merced County Farm Bureau

“Water is the lifeblood of farming and ranching in Merced County and without a sustainable supply, fertile land will go fallow, less production will occur and even more jobs will be lost.”

Northern California Water Association

“The bill also now unequivocally and expressly states that the federal government will not attempt to solve environmental challenges in the California Bay Delta (Delta) at the expense of those within the Sacramento River watershed and other areas upstream of the Delta.”

San Joaquin Tributary Association

“At a time when one in eight Americans does not have enough food, this legislation is of critical importance.”

National Federation of Independent Business

“H.R. 1837 would ensure greater access to water by the communities throughout the region, and balance the needs of the environment with those who are dependent on water for their economic livelihood.”


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