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Press Release

Chairman Hastings Statement on February Jobs Numbers

Rapidly rising gasoline prices are threatening our economic recovery

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after the Department of Labor released the February unemployment report:

“While today’s employment numbers are a positive development, millions of Americans are still looking for work and rapidly rising gasoline prices are threatening our economic recovery. Skyrocketing gasoline prices are hurting families and increasing costs of groceries and other goods. House Republicans remain committed to promoting an all-of-the-above energy approach that will create American jobs, reduce dependence on foreign oil and alleviate pain at the pump by the developing our own American energy resources.

“The Administration must abandon their ongoing efforts to block or delay American energy production. Until then, we can continue to expect volatile fuels costs that rise at the first sign of unrest in unstable foreign countries.”


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