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Press Release

Natural Resources Committee to Improve Transparency: Chairman Hastings Announces Plan to Install Cameras in Second Committee Hearing Room

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) is upholding Speaker Boehner’s promise to the American people of openness and transparency in the way the 112th Congress conducts its business. Today, Chairman Hastings announced that video cameras will be installed this year in the Committee’s secondary hearing room in 1334 Longworth. Currently, only Committee activities occurring in the main hearing room, 1324 Longworth, are recorded and streamed live online.

“People have a right to see and hear what their Congress is debating and this action will ensure every hearing of the Natural Resources Committee will be available for every American to watch on the Internet,” said Chairman Hastings. “Over the past two years, 32 hearings were held in this camera-less room. It’s just unacceptable in the year 2011 for Congress not to make its work as public and tech-friendly as possible.”

The camera equipment has been acquired and planning is underway for its installation. Live audio will continue to be available in the 1334 hearing room while the cameras are being installed. Hearings and markups in the main 1324 Longworth hearing room will continue to be broadcast live at /Live/


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