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Press Release

Hastings Statement on the President’s State of the Union Address

“If this Administration continues to block new American energy production, it will also block the path towards job creation and economic recovery.”

House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement tonight following President Obama’s State of the Union address:

“For the past year, we have heard the President and his Administration talk about the need to create jobs, grow the economy and pursue comprehensive energy legislation. However, their actions tell an entirely different story. They say one thing, and then impose policies that do just the opposite. Unless the President changes course, tonight’s speech will be just another example of his rhetoric not matching reality.

“If the President really wants to spur job creation and economic growth, he will stop blocking American energy production and allow us to develop our own resources in an environmentally responsible way. In addition to creating millions of jobs across the country, it will also generate an influx of new revenue to the federal government that will help pay down the trillion dollar deficit.

“Republicans have offered numerous ideas on how to create new American jobs – particularly by implementing an all-of-the-above energy plan. I agree with the President that green jobs are part of the solution. But with 15 million Americans currently looking for work, we need to be saying yes to all job creation. This includes nuclear, wind, solar, hydropower, oil, natural gas, mining and manufacturing jobs.

“Americans need more than just talk. They are eagerly awaiting for real action from the Administration and the Democrat Congress to control spending, reduce our deficit, improve the economy and put Americans back to work. If this Administration continues to block new American energy production, it will also block the path towards job creation and economic recovery.”

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