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Press Release

Hastings: “President Obama and Democrats in Congress have repeatedly slammed the door on a wide array of energy jobs”

Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding the Department of Labor’s report that the U.S. economy lost 190,000 jobs in October, raising the unemployment rate to 10.2 percent:

“Unfortunately, it’s official. Over one in ten Americans are now looking for a job. Today’s report confirms once again that the Democrats’ massive government spending and job-killing policies aren’t putting more Americans back to work.

“While President Obama regularly says he is exploring each and every avenue for job creation in America, that’s just not the case. President Obama and Democrats in Congress have repeatedly slammed the door on a wide array of energy jobs.

“The Republican all-of-the-above energy plan is one way to help create more high-paying jobs across our country – including green jobs, nuclear jobs, mining jobs, manufacturing jobs, clean natural gas jobs, and oil drilling jobs. If Democrats truly want to help more Americans get back to work, they will embrace our American Energy Act.”

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