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Water, Wildlife and Fisheries

Hastings Statement on Final Recommendation on the Columbia River Treaty

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement on the U.S. Entity’s final recommendation to the U.S. State Department regarding modifications to the Columbia River Treaty: “While I continue to have concerns about aspects of the recommendation related to ecosystem issues, I’m pleased that the U.S. Entity made significant improvements in…

Water Rights Protection Act (H.R. 3189)

| Posted in Committee Votes

Reporting H.R. 3189 Out of Committee (Passed 19-14. View Roll Call Vote) This bipartisan bill would protect private property rights from recent federal overreach that threatens to take water supplies from recreation businesses, ranchers, cities and towns, and local conservation efforts. Tipton Amendment 036 (Approved by Voice Vote) This amendment would make technical corrections and…

Broad Agreement That New Water Storage Needed for Water Supply, Hydropower and Environmental Uses

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Today, the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power held an oversight hearing on “A Roadmap for Increasing our Water and Hydropower Supplies: The Need for New or Expanded Multi-Purpose Surface Storage Facilities.” This hearing examined the growing need for and the multiple-use benefits of increased water storage and ways to expedite the construction of such…

Chairman Hastings Continues to Seek Answers on the National Blueways Program and Chu Memo

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today sent letters to Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz regarding unfulfilled oversight requests from the House Natural Resources Committee on the National Blueways program and former Secretary Chu’s Memorandum to the Power Market Administrations. In addition to reiterating requests…

Hastings Letter to Secretary Jewell Regarding Unfulfilled Requests on the National Blueways Program

| Posted in Letters

Dear Secretary Jewell: This letter follows up on prior communications, including June 28, 2013 and July 29, 2013 letters requesting 15 categories of documents and information, about the Department of the Interior's ("Department") Secretarial Order 3321 ("Order"). This Order established the "National Blueways System," a "headwaters to mouth approach to river management." This information…

Hastings Letter to Secretary Moniz Regarding Unfulfilled Requests on the Chu Memo to Federal Power Marketing Administrators

| Posted in Letters

Dear Secretary Moniz: The Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") has been conducting oversight and investigatory activities regarding your predecessor's March 16, 2012 "Memorandum for the Federal Power Marketing Administrators." For nearly a year, the Committee has repeatedly sought communications and documents from the Department in order to shed light on the decision-making…

Witnesses, Members Agree Rep. Tipton’s Legislation Needed to Prevent Federal Water Grab

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Today, the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power held a legislative hearing on H.R. 3189, the Water Rights Protection Act, sponsored by Congressman Scott Tipton (CO-03), which protects privately held water rights, prohibits federal water grabs and upholds state water laws. This bipartisan legislation will end further attempts by the Obama Administration to take privately…

Witnesses Agree Federal Regulatory Changes will Benefit Current and Future Hydropower Projects

| Posted in Press Release

Today, the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Water and Power held an oversight hearing on “Keeping Hydropower Affordable and Reliable: The Protection of Existing Hydropower Investments and the Promotion of New Development.” This hearing highlighted how existing federal and non-federal hydropower resources are compromised by litigation and regulation, while new hydropower projects…