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VIDEO RELEASE: Less Talk and More Action Needed from Administration to Create New Energy Jobs

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Last night during the State of the Union address, President Obama once again stressed the need for comprehensive energy legislation. Unfortunately, we’ve heard that line before…Despite all their talk, the Obama Administration has repeatedly taken steps to block American energy production and job creation. Republicans on the House Natural Resources released a new web video today…

Hastings Statement on the President’s State of the Union Address

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement tonight following President Obama’s State of the Union address: “For the past year, we have heard the President and his Administration talk about the need to create jobs, grow the economy and pursue comprehensive energy legislation. However, their actions tell an entirely different…

Actions Speak Louder than Words at U.S. Interior Department

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.bullet { LIST-STYLE-IMAGE: url(/UploadedPhotos/HighResolution/24715874-45fd-4a8e-b9b6-0e12a18eff1b.jpg) } Exactly one year ago today, the newly confirmed Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar delivered his first speech to Department employees, outlining his vision for the future of the agency. Unfortunately, Secretary Salazar’s rhetoric stands in stark contrast to…

$135,294 per job? It's time for real solutions.

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On Friday, Sean Higgins with Investor's Business Weekly blogged about President Obama’s recent announcement on a new Green Jobs initiative. The new program will award $2.3 billion in tax credits to create just 17,000 green energy jobs. “Well, get out your calculator. $2.3 billion for 17,000 jobs equals $135,294 per job. (And that’s not including the eventual interest on this deficit…

Hastings: President Pushes Just Green Jobs, but Americans Need ALL Energy Jobs

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In response to the Department of Labor’s report that 85,000 jobs were lost in December and the national employment rate remains at 10-percent, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement today in advance of the President’s announcement of government funding to help create green jobs: “President Obama is responding to today’s…

Another Postcard from All-of-the-Above American Energy to President Obama in Copenhagen

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Click to enlarge Background: The Obama Administration’s Treasury Department estimates that the cap-and-trade national energy tax will result in an average $1,761 in increased costs for American families. In Copenhagen yesterday, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton announced that the U.S. “is prepared to join other rich countries in raising $100 billion in…

Hastings Calls on Administration to Replace Summits, Endless Rhetoric & Fuzzy Math with Proven Job Creation Policies

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding the Department of Labor’s November unemployment report: “Yesterday, we witnessed the White House ‘jobs summit’- a high profile event that unfortunately looked more like a shiny object meant to distract the American people from the Administration’s failed stimulus and…

If Energy Officials Want to Attend Today's White House Event, They'll Have to Crash It

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As the White House’s “jobs-but-not-job-creation-summit” kicks off, I wanted to point out a few recent articles that clearly demonstrate why the President made a serious mistake by not inviting officials from American energy companies to attend today’s event and offer their ideas. After all, the oil and natural gas industry supports 9.2 million American jobs and adds more than $1…

Republicans Propose A Dozen Bright Ideas to President Obama for All-of-the-Above American Energy Job Creation

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Tomorrow, President Obama will host a Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth at the White House where he promised he will “consider all good ideas to encourage and accelerate job creation.” However, it appears that the White House neglected to invite a wide range of officials from America’s all-of-the-above energy sectors to attend this event. Since a diverse group of American energy…