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Oversight: Obama's Offshore Moratorium

Eliminating Liability Limits Kills Independent Producers Could Cost 300,000 Jobs, $147 Billion in Revenue

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In a move that could further deteriorate the Gulf’s economy, the CLEAR Act would set unlimited liability on offshore operators.  While there is bipartisan agreement on the need for Congress to address and adjust existing liability caps, the unintended consequences of completely eliminating the cap could cost hundreds of thousands of American jobs. Small, independent oil and gas producers…

Houston Chronicle: Other Energy Issues Seep into Spill Legislation

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Other Energy Issues Seep into Spill Legislation July 28, 2010, 7:33PM Houston Chronicle Jennifer A. Dlouhy WASHINGTON — Energy legislation advancing in the Senate would force companies to reveal closely held details about the chemical cocktails they use to extract natural gas from shale rock, imposing the first federal regulation on hydraulic fracturing. The disclosure provision is…

Democrats’ Offshore Oil Spill Bill Makes Significant Changes to Onshore Energy Leasing

| Posted in Dear Colleagues

July 29, 2010 Democrats’ Offshore Oil Spill Bill Makes Significant Changes to Onshore Energy Leasing Increases onshore energy taxes, threatens onshore energy jobs Dear Colleague: In yet another example of House Democrats exploiting the oil spill to pass unrelated legislation, the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534) makes fundamental changes to onshore federal energy leasing. This will not only…

Basic Facts on the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534)

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The CLEAR Act is being sold as a response to the Gulf oil spill crisis, yet the bill itself stretches far beyond addressing this tragedy to include page after page of provisions that are unrelated to the oil spill, will kill American jobs, and are premature by acting before Congress has the full facts from the numerous ongoing investigations into the Deepwater Horizon explosion and…

Under Investigation: Inspector General Probes Interior Dept.’s Tampering with Report Recommending Drilling Moratorium

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In response to a letter from Natural Resources Committee Republicans, Department of Interior (DOI) Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall today confirmed she is conducting an open investigation into allegations that the Department altered the 30-day safety report to the President on Outer Continental Shelf drilling to include recommendation of a deepwater drilling moratorium after it was…

Republicans Call on Interior Dept. Inspector General to Investigate Changes Made to DOI Report Recommending Drilling Moratorium

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04), Energy and Minerals Subcommittee Ranking Member Doug Lamborn (CO-05), and Reps. John Duncan (TN-02), Bill Cassidy (LA-06), Paul Broun (GA-10), Jason Chaffetz (UT-03) and John Fleming (LA-04) sent a letter to Department of the Interior (DOI) Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall requesting an investigation into…

Committee Republicans Send Letter to Interior Department Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall Calling For Investigation on DOI Report Recommending Drilling Moratorium

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Committee Republicans Send Letter to Interior Department Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall Calling For Investigation on DOI Report Recommending Drilling Moratorium

E&P Magazine: Offshore drilling moratorium affects everyone

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Offshore drilling moratorium affects everyone Study outlines how the Obama administration’s offshore moratorium will negatively impact industries nationwide. 7/19/10 E&P Magazine By Rebecca Torrellas The presidential offshore drilling moratorium will cost approximately US $2.1 billion in economic loss to the states along the Gulf of Mexico (GoM) in first six months, according to…