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Ranking Member Hastings Proposes Creation of Energy and Natural Resources Committee

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) sent the following letter to Members of the House Republican Conference of the 112th Congress proposing the creation of an Energy and Natural Resources Committee by consolidating the energy portfolio from the Energy and Commerce Committee to the Natural Resources Committee. In asking his colleagues to consider the…

USGS: America Has Abundant Supply of Rare Earth Elements

| Posted in Resourceful Information

On the heels of a Wall Street Journal report outlining America’s dependence on China’s tightening rare earth element (REE) market, the USGS released a report today revealing 13 million metric tons of REEs exist within known deposits in 14 U.S. states.  While the largest deposits exist in California, Alaska and Wyoming, additional known REE deposits are found in Colorado, Florida,…

Ranking Member Hastings Statement on October Jobs Report

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after the Department of Labor released the October jobs report showing that the unemployment rate remained unchanged at 9.6 percent. “With millions of Americans looking for jobs and the unemployment rate still hovering near 10 percent, the American people sent Washington D.C. a…

Hastings Outlines Natural Resources Committee Priorities

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) outlined the following broad priorities for the Republican Majority on the Natural Resources Committee.  Hastings is seeking to become Chairman of the Committee in the 112th Congress. “Now is the time for Republicans to get to work and prove that we have truly listened to the American people. “Like all committees, one…

Ranking Member Hastings Statement on House Republicans “Pledge to America”

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after House Republicans unveiled “A Pledge to America,” a new governing agenda built by listening to the American people that offers immediate solutions to create jobs, cut spending, reform Congress, and keep our nation secure. “The principles outlined in ‘A Pledge to America’ draw a…

Republicans Stress the Importance of Protecting and Expanding Low-Cost, Carbon-Free Hydropower

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Today, during a Natural Resources Water and Power Subcommittee hearing on “Investment in Small Hydropower: Prospects for Expanding Low Impact and Affordable Hydropower Generation in the West,” Republicans highlighted the necessity of protecting existing hydropower resources and making it an essential part of an all-of-the-above energy plan. Hydropower is a clean, renewable, non-emitting…

Wall Street Journal: Salazar Stuns Oil Spill Hearing

| Posted in In Case You Missed It

Note: “The really odd moment came when Interior Secretary Ken Salazar said in a statement that he was looking to the commission for information that could inform the administration’s position on halting deepwater drilling. Salazar’s statement stunned the commission’s two co-chairmen, William K. Reilly and Bob Graham, who said they had been assured by Salazar’s office and the White House…

New Poll: Americans Understand Energy Production and Jobs Go Hand in Hand

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A National Journal Congressional Connection/Society for Human Resource Management Poll released today reveals telling results about what the public believes Congress’ priorities should be over the coming months. Jobs and energy topped the priority list for the one thousand people surveyed—81% want Congress to address the job situation and 67% believe Congress should attend to the nation’s energy needs.