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House Passes Bipartisan American Energy Bill to Create Over a Million Jobs and Lower Energy Prices

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Today the Full House of Representatives passed H.R. 3408, with a bipartisan vote of 237-187. The legislation is a bipartisan plan to expand offshore energy production, open less than three percent of ANWR for oil and natural gas production, encourage the development of 1.5 trillion barrels of oil shale in the Rocky Mountain West, and approve the Keystone XL pipeline. The plan will create…

Indian and Alaska Natives Support Plan to Increase Energy Production, Job Creation, on Tribal Lands

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Today, the Subcommittee on Indians and Alaska Native Affairs held a legislative hearing on H.R. 3973, the Native American Energy Act that promotes and encourages increased energy production on tribal lands by reducing government barriers and streamlining burdensome procedures. The Native American Energy Act addresses specific concerns from various Indian County leaders about getting…

Chairman Hastings Presses Secretary Salazar to Comply with Committee Oversight, Document Requests

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today questioned Secretary Ken Salazar on the Interior Department’s lack of compliance with legitimate oversight requests from the Committee on actions and policies that directly impact American jobs and the economy. The Committee is investigating the Department’s rewrite of coal regulations and the White House’s editing of…

Chairman Hastings: Republicans Have Action Plan to Create American Jobs, Expand American Energy Production & Lower Gas Prices

| Posted in Floor Statements

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings delivered the following statement on the House floor today in support of H.R. 3408, a bill that includes the energy provisions of the American Energy & Infrastructure Jobs Act. The bill expands access to both onshore and offshore American energy resources - creating over a million new American jobs, lowering gasoline prices,…

Video Release: Alaskans Discuss Job, Economic Benefits of ANWR Energy Production

| Posted in Resourceful Information

Members of the Alaska House of Representatives recently visited Washington, D.C. to advocate for H.R. 7, the American Energy and Infrastructure Jobs Act. The House will consider the bill this week, which among other provisions, would open less than 3% of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in the North Slope to responsible energy production. This small portion of ANWR was…

BUDGET WATCH: President's Budget Shows Declining Revenues from Offshore Drilling

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Facts are stubborn things and the facts in President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget regarding future lease sales for offshore energy reflect this President’s true position on expanding offshore energy production. The five year offshore lease plan implemented under the previous Administration is soon to expire and be replaced by President Obama’s new draft five year plan that places a…

BUDGET WATCH: $45 Billion Tax Increase On American Energy Production Will Hit Families, Small Businesses and Rural Communities Hardest

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Since his State of the Union Address, President Obama has repeatedly talked about expanding “all-of-the-above” energy production. However, a closer look at his Fiscal Year 2013 budget proposal reveals more of the same job-destroying tax increases on American energy that will stifle production and cost jobs. The President simply doesn’t understand that raising taxes on energy production…

President's Budget Increases Taxes, Destroys Jobs and Spends Money We Don't Have

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings released the following statement regarding President Obama’s Fiscal Year 2013 budget proposal: “The President’s budget represents more of the same failed policies from the Obama Administration that will cost American jobs and harm our economy. Increased government spending and higher taxes is not the way to economic recovery. Page…

Video Blog: Natural Resources Committee Jobs Watch - Rep. Coffman

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House Natural Resources Committee Republicans are committed to putting Americans back to work by enacting policies that embrace America’s abundant natural resources to help create jobs and grow our economy. Meet Committee Member Mike Coffman from Colorado’s Sixth Congressional District. American oil and natural gas production in Colorado directly employs 50,000 people and supports over…