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ABC News: Obama OKs Oil Exploration Along Atlantic Coast, But Not Drilling

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Obama OKs Oil Exploration Along Atlantic Coast, But Not Drilling By Devin Dwyer ABC News March 28, 2012 The Obama administration today endorsed new oil and gas exploration along the Atlantic Coast, setting the stage for possible future drilling lease sales. The announcement by the Interior Department sets into motion what will be at least a five year environmental survey to determine…

Committee Approves Motion Giving Chairman Authority to Issue Subpoenas on Two Oversight Investigations Impacting American Jobs and Energy Production

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee approved a motion (23-17) to provide the Chairman with authority to issue subpoenas related to two ongoing oversight investigations: 1) regarding the Secretary of the Interior’s decision and the process to rewrite a coal production regulation; and 2) regarding a Department of the Interior report that implied that peer reviewers from the…

Obama Administration Cheats Virginia Out of Jobs & Americans Out of New Energy Production to Lower Gasoline Prices

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding reports that the Obama Administration will today announce plans for seismic studies for possible future drilling lease sales off Virginia and the Atlantic Coast. President Obama is responsible for delaying and then outright canceling the Virginia lease sale that was scheduled to take…

Hastings on Subpoena Authority for Two Oversight Investigations: Obama Administration Fails to Uphold Transparency Promises

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With gasoline prices reaching record highs and the economy still recovering, House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings today called on the Obama Administration to uphold their promises of transparency and turn over documents related to two issues that directly impact American jobs and energy production. The Committee today is holding a business meeting to consider a motion…

Travel and Tourism Experts Voice Economic and Job Loss Concern Over Rising Gasoline Prices

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Today the House Natural Resources Committee held an oversight hearing to examine the impact high gasoline prices have on job creation and economic growth in America’s tourism and travel industry, which last year supported 14 million U.S. jobs. “According to the Wall St Journal, every dollar increase in gas prices means $2.6 billion a week must be diverted toward the gas pump and away…

Hastings Statement on Federal Judge Reversal of Obama Administration's Unprecedented Move to Retroactively Destroy Coal Mining Jobs

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today released the following statement after a federal judge ruled that President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency’s unprecedented move last year to retroactively revoke an Army Corps of Engineers permit for a coal mine in West Virginia “exceeded its authority under section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act.” The court…

Washington Post: President Obama Earns Two Pinocchios for Misleading Energy Claims

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Washington Post Fact Checker Glenn Kessler Thursday, March 22, 2012 Obama and oil Last week we wrote about Obama’s dubious combination of two true statistics — the fact that the United States has 2 percent of proven oil reserves and accounts of 20 percent of annual oil consumption. We called these “non sequitur facts,” since they have little relationship to each other, and gave the…

CRS Confirms What Everyone but President Obama Knows: U.S. Oil Production Increasing On Non-Federal Lands

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As gasoline prices hit an all time high for March, President Obama is taking a politically driven “tour de farce” around the country trying to convince voters he is responsible for increased American oil and natural gas production. Yet he’s conveniently leaving out the important detail that increased production is taking place on non-federal land, as confirmed by two recent reports. …

Energy Expert Confirms Credit for Increased New Mexico Oil & Natural Gas Production Goes to Past Administrations, Not President Obama

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Today, President Obama will visit Maljamar, New Mexico as part of a political PR tour to convince voters that this month's record gasoline prices aren't his fault. What you won’t hear from President Obama today is that any increase in federal oil and gas production in New Mexico is thanks to the pro-energy policies of previous administrations and in spite of his job-destroying energy…

Chairman Hastings: President Embarks on Political Tour as His Failed Energy Policies Drive Up Gasoline Prices

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At a hearing today on the impacts of rising gasoline prices, House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings took the opportunity to address President Obama’s political multi-state energy tour that kicks off today. Feeling pressure from gasoline prices that are the highest ever recorded in the month of March, President Obama will undoubtedly try to claim credit for supporting oil…