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Indian and Insular Affairs

More Lip Service From Obama Admininistration to Indian Country: Claims Credit for Issuing Oil Refinery Permit on Project they Delayed for Three Years

| Posted in Hot Air Alert

Whether it’s claiming responsibility for offshore oil and natural gas produced by leases issued under the Clinton and Bush Administrations or trying to take credit for the rise in energy production on private and state lands, the Obama Administration has a lengthy history of patting itself on the back for American energy achievements to which they did not actually contribute. Yesterday,…

House to Consider Natural Resources Jobs and Public Lands Package

| Posted in Press Release

Next week, the U.S. House of Representatives will consider the Conservation and Economic Growth Act, a package of fourteen Natural Resources Committee bills that will create new American jobs, grow the economy, protect the environment and promote development of renewable hydropower. “This grouping of bills will advance important local projects and policies that will have a direct impact…

Committee Passes Mineral Production and Indian Land Energy Bills

| Posted in Press Release

In the spirit of the House Republicans’ American Energy Initiative effort, the House Natural Resources Committee today passed the Natural Strategic and Critical Minerals Protection Act and the Native American Energy Act, with bipartisan support, to expand critical mineral production and empower Indian tribes to increase energy production on their tribal lands. The bills would reduce…

Indian Tribal Leaders Raise Concerns About Lack of BLM Consultation with Tribes During Hydraulic Fracturing Rulemaking

| Posted in Press Release

Today, the Subcommittee on Indians and Alaska Native Affairs held an oversight hearing on the “Bureau of Land Management’s Hydraulic Fracturing Rule’s Impact on Indian Tribal Energy Development.” Indian Tribal lands hold a significant amount of oil and natural gas that could help Tribes create jobs, spur economic development and help improve education, health and infrastructure.…