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Gasoline Prices

Natural Resources Republicans Unveil Legislation to Expand Onshore American Energy Production, Lower Gas Prices

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In the spirit of House Republicans’ American Energy Initiative, Republican Members of the Natural Resources Committee today unveiled a series of bills to expand onshore American energy production, lower gasoline prices and create new American jobs. The three all-of-the-above onshore energy bills would streamline government hurdles and regulations that block and delay development of our…

Hastings: President Obama Should Support Bipartisan Plan to Increase American Energy Production and Reduce Price at the Pump

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today released the following statement after President Obama failed to announce a plan to increase American energy production to help lower gasoline prices but instead proposed spending $52 million on more federal regulations that will not ease the pain at the pump. This tired campaign to blame speculators for rising gasoline…

Chairman Hastings Statement on March Jobs Report

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the March unemployment report: “With March job creation significantly underperforming experts’ anticipations, ever higher gasoline prices are a growing threat to job creation and the cost of life for American families. The jobs created in March…

Alaskans Testify Increasing Energy Prices Harm Way of Life, Federal Barriers Obstructing New Energy Development

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Today, the Subcommittee on Indian and Alaska Native Affairs held an oversight field hearing in Fairbanks, Alaska to examine the hardships local Alaska Natives face with high energy prices and how federal laws and regulations are affecting energy prices in rural Alaska and Native Villages. Subcommittee on Indians and Alaska Native Affairs Chairman Don Young (AK-At Large) emphasized the…

FOX News Special Report: House panel clears way for administration subpoenas on drilling, coal regulation probes

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House panel clears way for administration subpoenas on drilling, coal reg probes Published March 28, 2012 A House Committee voted Wednesday to clear the way to subpoena the Obama administration over two separate probes -- one concerning allegations dating back to the BP spill that it misrepresented a report on the temporary offshore drilling ban. The 23-17 vote along…

ABC News: Obama OKs Oil Exploration Along Atlantic Coast, But Not Drilling

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Obama OKs Oil Exploration Along Atlantic Coast, But Not Drilling By Devin Dwyer ABC News March 28, 2012 The Obama administration today endorsed new oil and gas exploration along the Atlantic Coast, setting the stage for possible future drilling lease sales. The announcement by the Interior Department sets into motion what will be at least a five year environmental survey to determine…

Hastings on Subpoena Authority for Two Oversight Investigations: Obama Administration Fails to Uphold Transparency Promises

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With gasoline prices reaching record highs and the economy still recovering, House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings today called on the Obama Administration to uphold their promises of transparency and turn over documents related to two issues that directly impact American jobs and energy production. The Committee today is holding a business meeting to consider a motion…

Travel and Tourism Experts Voice Economic and Job Loss Concern Over Rising Gasoline Prices

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Today the House Natural Resources Committee held an oversight hearing to examine the impact high gasoline prices have on job creation and economic growth in America’s tourism and travel industry, which last year supported 14 million U.S. jobs. “According to the Wall St Journal, every dollar increase in gas prices means $2.6 billion a week must be diverted toward the gas pump and away…

Hastings Statement on Federal Judge Reversal of Obama Administration's Unprecedented Move to Retroactively Destroy Coal Mining Jobs

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today released the following statement after a federal judge ruled that President Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency’s unprecedented move last year to retroactively revoke an Army Corps of Engineers permit for a coal mine in West Virginia “exceeded its authority under section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act.” The court…

CRS Confirms What Everyone but President Obama Knows: U.S. Oil Production Increasing On Non-Federal Lands

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As gasoline prices hit an all time high for March, President Obama is taking a politically driven “tour de farce” around the country trying to convince voters he is responsible for increased American oil and natural gas production. Yet he’s conveniently leaving out the important detail that increased production is taking place on non-federal land, as confirmed by two recent reports. …