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Gasoline Prices

Natural Resources Committee Republicans Call for Expanded American Energy Production to Create Jobs, Curb Rising Gasoline Prices

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Today, the House Natural Resources Committee held an oversight hearing on how to harness American resources to create jobs and address rising gasoline prices. The Committee heard from several energy experts who discussed America’s vast energy reserves on federal lands. According to a recently released Congressional Research Service (CRS) report, the United States combined recoverable…

Survey Shows Nationwide Economic Impact of Shallow Water Drilling

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On the heels of the highest increase in gasoline prices since 2008, the Shallow Water Energy Security Coalition today released a survey outlining the economic impact of shallow water drilling outside of the Gulf States of Texas and Louisiana.** According to the survey, 2008-2010 shallow water drilling expenditures for vendors and subcontractors totaled over $1.3 billion in the non-gulf…

Rising Fuel Costs Cause Food Prices to Skyrocket

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As Americans continue to feel the pain at the pump, new Labor Department numbers out today show the far-reaching effect high fuel costs have on the average American. According to the Producer Price Index, food prices rose 3.9 percent last month. This increase marks the steepest rise in food prices in 36 years. Like it or not, high gasoline prices make everything more expensive – it costs…

Chairman Hastings Announces Plans to Introduce Energy Legislation

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Today, during a Full Committee hearing examining the impacts of the Obama Administration’s de facto moratorium in the Gulf of Mexico, House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings announced plans to introduce legislation to increase American energy production and reverse the Obama Administration’s anti-energy policies that are costing jobs and raising prices. “Let me state very…

Fact Checking the Obama Administration’s Energy Production Claims

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As prices at the pump climb towards the $4 mark, the Obama Administration has turned its SPIN machine to HIGH in an effort to deflect mounting public anger over the high cost of gasoline. The Administration is spinning numbers on U.S. oil and natural gas production to make the public believe their anti-energy policies have actually spurred energy development. In reality, the…

Driving the News Week: Republicans Focus on Lowering Gasoline Prices, Expanding American Energy and Creating Jobs

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Last week, the new House majority launched the American Energy Initiative, an ongoing effort to address rising gasoline prices and expand American energy production. This initiative will help lower costs, grow our economy and create jobs. Visit the American Energy Initiative Facebook page to learn more. As part of this initiative, the Natural Resources Committee has scheduled a series of…

Obama Administration Turns Spin Cycle up to High with Latest “Fact Sheet” on U.S. Energy Production

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The White House won’t let facts stand in the way when it comes to American energy production as they continue to piggyback on predecessors’ pro-energy policies. Yesterday, the White House turned their SPIN machine to HIGH in their second attempt in as many days (see White House blog) to deflect mounting public anger over high gasoline prices. Today, the Administration is spinning numbers…

Hastings: President Obama’s Anti-Energy Policies are Costing Jobs, Decreasing American Energy Production, Raising Gasoline Prices

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after President Obama’s press conference on rising gasoline prices: “Near $4 gasoline is hurting American families and small businesses, increasing the costs of everything from fuel to groceries, and threatening job creation and economic recovery. Despite President Obama’s talk of increasing…

Chairman Hastings Highlights Need for American Energy Production, Job Creation on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today appeared on C-SPAN’s Washington Journal where he discussed a variety of topics including rising gasoline prices, job creation and the need for increased American energy production. Highlights: Creating American Jobs “Energy producing jobs are good jobs…When we’re looking at trying to get our economy to rebound, we…

Study Shows Regulatory Barriers Hampering Energy Production and Job Creation

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As the cost of gasoline and energy continues to surge at an alarming rate, a study released today confirms what Natural Resources Republicans have been saying since day one: the Obama Administration is going out of its way to block and delay American energy production. According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce study, there are hundreds of American energy projects that have been delayed or…