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Offshore Drilling

A Postcard from All-of-the-Above American Energy to President Obama in Seoul, South Korea

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Click to enlarge Background: The Energy Information Administration reports that: “With limited domestic energy resources, South Korea is almost entirely dependent on imports to meet its energy consumption needs.” On November 11th, the White House announced that President Obama would hold a Forum on Jobs and Economic Growth on December 3rd. However, the Associated…

A Postcard from U.S. Refineries to President Obama in Singapore

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Click to enlarge Background: The House Republican Conference confirms that “the newest significant refinery began operating in 1977.” The Energy Information Administration’s profile on Singapore. The Congressional Research Service reports: “Hurricanes Katrina and Rita shut down oil and gas production from the Outer Continental Shelf in the Gulf of…

Another Postcard from U.S. Nuclear Energy

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Click to enlarge Background: On Thursday, November 12th, President Obama departed for a tour of Asia that includes stops in Japan, Singapore, China and South Korea. Press briefing by Deputy National Security Advisor Security Advisor for Strategic Communications Ben Rhodes; National Security Council Senior Director for East Asian Affairs, Jeffery Bader; and Deputy…

69 Members Send Bipartisan Letter Urging the President’s Ocean Policy Task Force Not to Block Offshore Energy Development

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04), Congressman Bill Cassidy (LA-06) and 67 bipartisan Members of Congress sent a letter to Nancy Sutley, Chairwoman of the President’s Interagency Ocean Policy Task Force, expressing concerns that the Task Force’s Interim Report is not balanced and could be used to block offshore energy development and job…

Questions for the Pelosi Economic Forum

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This morning, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats will host an economic forum on job creation, featuring a panel of economic and financial experts. In advance of this forum, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement and questions: “Without a doubt, energy policy has a tremendous impact our economy. The U.S. energy…

Another Postcard from the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf

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Click to enlarge Background: A Postcard from the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf, June 2, 2009. On October 9, 2009 the White House announced that President Obama and Cabinet Members will travel to New Orleans on Thursday, October 15. In August, the Wall Street Journal reported that “the U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil’s state-owned oil…

Democrats’ Roadblock to Energy Bill: Edition #2

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On September 16th, the House Natural Resources Committee will hold its first hearing on the CLEAR Act – a bill that throws up countless roadblocks on the path to American energy production and job creation. Click here to read Edition #1 of the Democrats’ Roadblock to Energy bill. Roadblock #4: Blocking all energy production, including wind and solar, on public land (Sec. 101).…

Democrats’ Roadblock to Energy Bill: Edition #1

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On September 16th, the House Natural Resources Committee will hold its first hearing on the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534) – a bill that throws up the following bureaucratic roadblocks on the path to American energy production and job creation: Roadblock #1: Creating Yet Another New Federal Government Office (Sec. 101). This provision creates a detour on the path toward energy production by…

Bipartisan Agreement at EMR Hearing on Need to Increase American Energy Production

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Today, the House Natural Resources Energy and Minerals Subcommittee held a hearing on “The American Conservation and Clean Energy Independence Act” (H.R. 2227), a bipartisan bill sponsored by Representatives Tim Murphy (R-PA) and Neil Abercrombie (D-HI) to expand offshore drilling on the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf (OCS).  Many Democrats continue to support policies that throw up…

Wall Street Journal Editorial: Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling - Too Bad It's Not in U.S. Waters

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Editorial: Obama Underwrites Offshore Drilling Too bad it's not in U.S. waters. Wall Street Journal Editorial August 18, 2009 You read that headline correctly. Unfortunately, the Obama Administration is financing oil exploration off Brazil. The U.S. is going to lend billions of dollars to Brazil's state-owned oil company, Petrobras, to finance exploration of the huge offshore…