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Press Release

Questions for the Pelosi Economic Forum

This morning, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats will host an economic forum on job creation, featuring a panel of economic and financial experts. In advance of this forum, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement and questions:

“Without a doubt, energy policy has a tremendous impact our economy. The U.S. energy sector supports millions of jobs throughout the country and generates billions of dollars in both federal and state revenue. Unfortunately, Democrats in Congress and the Obama Administration have repeatedly blocked all-of-the-above energy production and the creation of new American energy jobs. Since energy and our economy are so closely linked, there are numerous questions that I hope the economists and financial experts will answer during this forum:

  • How many all-of-the-above energy jobs have been “saved or created” since the stimulus passed? And how do you define “saved?”
  • Should green job creation be encouraged over other types of job creation in America’s energy sector? Or would it be best for leaders in Washington to support job creation across America’s energy sector?
  • The Administration determined that the Waxman-Markey cap-and-trade bill would cost households an additional $1,700 per year. What impact do you believe this National Energy Tax legislation will have on domestic energy prices? How many U.S. jobs will be lost as a result of this legislation?
  • On Tuesday, October 20, oil futures briefly topped $80 a barrel and retail gasoline prices moved higher for the seventh straight day. What impact will rising gas prices have on the economic recovery?
  • If the Obama Administration were to open up the U.S. Outer Continental Shelf, how many jobs would be created?
  • Would an increase in domestic energy production help lower the $1.42 trillion Obama-Pelosi deficit?
  • Administration officials are actively encouraging Iraqi officials to develop its oil fields – but taking steps to limit oil exploration in America. Since Iraq is now taking steps to encourage foreign companies to invest there, does that deter companies from investing in America because our oil and gas lease rules are so prohibitive?

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