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Offshore Drilling

Rep. Cassidy Op-Ed in The Hill: Gulf Coast Can't Afford CLEAR Disaster

| Posted in Op-Eds and Speeches

Gulf Coast Can't Afford CLEAR Disaster The Hill Op-Ed Friday, July 30, 2010 By Rep. Bill Cassidy Two man-made disasters have hit the Gulf Coast: the BP oil spill and the President’s moratorium on energy production.  A third disaster is scheduled for a vote in the House today. Two hundred twenty-six days before the Deepwater Horizon rig collapsed, the Consolidated Land, Energy,…

Hastings: Democrats are Using the Oil Spill as an Excuse to Raise Taxes and Increase Spending

| Posted in Floor Statements

House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following statement on the House floor today regarding the Democrats’ CLEAR Act  - a bill that would kill jobs, raise taxes and increase spending: Click here to watch the floor speech “Instead of directly addressing the Gulf oil spill tragedy, Congress is voting this week on legislation, the CLEAR…

Basic Facts on the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534)

| Posted in Press Release

The CLEAR Act is being sold as a response to the Gulf oil spill crisis, yet the bill itself stretches far beyond addressing this tragedy to include page after page of provisions that are unrelated to the oil spill, will kill American jobs, and are premature by acting before Congress has the full facts from the numerous ongoing investigations into the Deepwater Horizon explosion and…

Democrat Leadership Strips Bipartisan, Independent Oil Spill Commission from CLEAR Act

| Posted in Press Release

In the latest version of the CLEAR Act unveiled Monday night, House Democrats have deleted a provision offered by Rep. Bill Cassidy (LA-06) to establish a bipartisan, independent, National Commission on Outer Continental Shelf Oil Spill Prevention, comprised of technical experts to study the events leading up to the Deepwater Horizon disaster. This Amendment passed out of Natural…

Under Investigation: Inspector General Probes Interior Dept.’s Tampering with Report Recommending Drilling Moratorium

| Posted in Press Release

In response to a letter from Natural Resources Committee Republicans, Department of Interior (DOI) Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall today confirmed she is conducting an open investigation into allegations that the Department altered the 30-day safety report to the President on Outer Continental Shelf drilling to include recommendation of a deepwater drilling moratorium after it was…

Republicans Call on Interior Dept. Inspector General to Investigate Changes Made to DOI Report Recommending Drilling Moratorium

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Today, House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04), Energy and Minerals Subcommittee Ranking Member Doug Lamborn (CO-05), and Reps. John Duncan (TN-02), Bill Cassidy (LA-06), Paul Broun (GA-10), Jason Chaffetz (UT-03) and John Fleming (LA-04) sent a letter to Department of the Interior (DOI) Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall requesting an investigation into…

Vote Check: Democrats Vote Down Amendment Prohibiting Government Offshore Rig Inspectors from Striking

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During a Full Committee markup of the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534), Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) offered an amendment to prohibit unionized, government oil rig inspectors from striking and walking off the job.  The amendment failed 19-26. Click here for the roll call. “Since the tragic Deepwater Horizon accident in April, everyone has been rightly concerned about making sure that offshore…

Vote Check: Democrats Vote to Use Oil Spill as Excuse for over $40 Billion in Higher Spending

| Posted in Press Release

Although the Clear Act (H.R. 3534) is being advertised as a bill to establish new laws and regulations in response to the Deepwater Horizon spill, the Democrat majority is using it as a vehicle to push through nearly $1.5 billion dollars a year in unrelated spending, for a total of over $40 billion in new mandatory spending. Democrats today voted against (16 to 25) an amendment by Rep.…

Vote Check: Republican Amendment Defeated to Repeal and Prohibit Implementation of Deepwater Drilling Moratorium

| Posted in Press Release

The Democrat majority on the House Natural Resources Committee today voted (22 to 26) against an amendment offered by Rep. Bill Cassidy (LA-06) to prohibit the Obama Administration from implementing a moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Outer Continental Shelf. Click here to view the roll call. “To support this moratorium you have to ignore the evidence, the testimony of experts, and…

Choo! Choo! All Aboard the Democrats’ Christmas Tree Express: Congressman Admits to Democrat Strategy of Exploiting Oil Spill to Pass Controversial Legislation

| Posted in Press Release

During a House Natural Resources Committee markup of the CLEAR Act (H.R. 3534), Congressman Jay Inslee (D-WA) admitted to using this bill –which has been promoted as a response to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill – as a vehicle to pass legislation completely unrelated to the Gulf Coast disaster. When asked at the markup why he was introducing an amendment to attach his Geothermal…