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Offshore Drilling

Chairman Hastings Statement on Transportation Bill Conference Report

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding the Conference Report on H.R. 4348 – the Surface Transportation Extension: “This agreement includes several important, common sense measures to help create new American jobs, cut government red tape and provide the necessary resources for high-priority infrastructure projects vital…

Chairman Hastings: Obama Administration Closes Majority of OCS to Offshore Energy Production

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after the Obama Administration issued the 2012-2017 offshore lease plan that closes 85 percent of America’s offshore areas to energy production. “The Obama Administration has neglected their duty to provide a roadmap for America’s offshore energy future by tossing aside a plan to expand…

Chairman Hastings: Administration's Delay of Offshore Lease Sale Shows Obama Not Serious About Job Creation or Energy Production

| Posted in Press Release

As House Republicans begin consideration today of the Domestic Energy and Jobs Act, a bill to increase onshore energy production, create jobs and cut government red tape, the Obama Administration is desperately trying to prove that it supports American energy by finally holding a President Bush-era Gulf of Mexico lease sale after repeated delays. “The Obama Administration is setting…

Acting Inspector General for Interior Department Questioned on Role in Producing Report that Recommended Gulf Drilling Moratorium

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) yesterday sent a letter to the Department of the Interior’s Acting Inspector General (IG) Mary Kendall to question her about discrepancies between her testimony before the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources and documents recently provided to the Committee that suggest she was involved in the process of producing the…

USA Today: Interior inspector defends impartiality in report probe

| Posted in In Case You Missed It

Interior inspector defends impartiality in report probe By: Gregory Korte USA Today May 23, 2012 When questions came up about how the White House edited an Interior Department report to justify a moratorium on offshore drilling, acting Inspector General Mary Kendall investigated and reported back to Congress only that the report "could have been more clearly worded." Now documents…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall Regarding Role in Producing the Gulf Drilling Moratorium Report

| Posted in Letters

Dear Ms. Kendall: As you know, the Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") has for almost two years been seeking information about how a May 27, 2010 Department of the Interior ("Department") report entitled "Increased Safety Measures for Energy Development on the Outer Continental Shelf" ("Drilling Moratorium Report") was drafted and then edited in a manner that misrepresented…

Chairman Hastings: Documents Raise Serious Questions about Thoroughness and Independence of Inspector General's Investigation into Drilling Moratorium Report

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today sent a letter to Department of the Interior’s Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall expressing deep concern with the thoroughness of the Office of Inspector General’s (IG) investigation into whether an Obama Administration report that recommended a six-month drilling moratorium was intentionally edited to incorrectly…

50 Billion Barrels of Oil Not Enough for Obama Administration to Stop Playing Politics with America's Energy Security

| Posted in Hot Air Alert

Apparently, an offshore oil find that would more than double America’s current proven oil reserves still wouldn’t be enough for the Obama Administration to stop playing politics with America’s energy security. Channeling his best auctioneer chant, Rep. Louie Gohmert (TX-01) gave Bureau of Ocean Energy Management Director Tommy Beaudreau a chance to say how much oil would need to be found…

Chairman Hastings' Statement at Conference Committee Meeting on Highway Bill

| Posted in Op-Eds and Speeches

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following opening statement today at the Conference Committee meeting on the Highway bill: “The federal government’s slow, cumbersome bureaucracy is consistently getting in the way of job creation and economic growth. Nowhere is this more evident than infrastructure and energy projects, where burdensome red…

Acting Inspector General Mary Kendall Response to Chairmen Hastings and Lamborn's Request for Additional Information Relating to the Gulf Drilling Moratorium Report

| Posted in Letters

Dear Mr. Chairmen: This is in response to your April 6, 2012 request for additional documents and information relating to the report from my office entitled, "Federal Moratorium on Deepwater Drilling." Read the entire letter HERE.