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Chairman Hastings: Committee Stands Ready to Work With the Senate on Solution to Improve Federal Forest Management

| Posted in Press Release

At a Full Committee hearing today on “Tribal Forest Management: A Model for Promoting Healthy Forests and Rural Jobs,” House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) in his opening statement stressed the need for the Senate to take action on House-passed legislation to restore active forest management. Last September, the House passed H.R. 1526, The Restoring Healthy…

Chairman Hastings Looks Ahead to 2014

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following statement at today’s Full Committee hearing previewing several activities and focuses for next year: “Before proceeding with today’s hearing, there are several general announcements that I would like to make regarding Committee business. This is the last hearing of the year, and as those gathered…

POSTPONED: Committee Hearing on SRS Sequestration Subpoenas

| Posted in Committee Action

The House Natural Resources Committee will postpone the November 20, 2013 hearing with Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack and Office of Management and Budget Director Sylvia Mathews Burwell regarding the Obama Administration’s decision to apply sequestration cuts to funds already paid to states under the Secure Rural School (SRS) program. This hearing was originally scheduled after the…

Chairman Hastings Seeks Answers Over Shutdown Closures in National Forests and Wildlife Refuges

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today sent letters to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe and U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell regarding the Obama Administration’s actions to unnecessarily and arbitrarily restrict public access to wildlife refuges and Forest Service lands during the government shutdown. Last week, Chairman Hastings…

Chairman Hastings: Our Federal Forests are Being Badly Managed and There Have Been Devastating Consequences

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings delivered the following statement on the House floor today in support of H.R. 1526, the Restoring Healthy Forests for Healthy Communities Act: “Mr. Chairman, over the last few months deadly wildfires, specifically in California, Arizona, Colorado and other western states, have highlighted the growing problem with our…

Counties, Forestry Councils, and Schools Call for Passage of H.R. 1526, Restoring Healthy Forests for Healthy Communities Act

| Posted in Press Release

Today the House of Representatives will begin consideration of H.R. 1526, Restoring Healthy Forests for Healthy Communities Act, legislation that renews the federal government’s commitment to manage federal forests for the benefit of rural schools and counties and to improve forest health. The bill is supported by over 140 local and national organizations, including 68 counties in 17…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Secretary Vilsack Regarding Secure Rural Schools Subpoenas

| Posted in Letters

Dear Mr. Secretary: On September 4,2013, a subpoena was issued to you as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture ("USDA") for certain documents related to the Obama Administration's decision to retroactively sequester money paid to states under the Secure Rural Schools ("SRS") program. The subpoena required that the requested documents be provided to the Committee on Natural…

Chairman Hastings Letter to Director Mathews Burwell Regarding Secure Rural Schools Subpoenas

| Posted in Letters

Dear Director Sylvia Mathews Burwell: On September 4, 2013, a subpoena was issued to you as Director of the Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") for certain documents related to the Obama Administration's decision to retroactively sequester money paid to states under the Secure Rural Schools ("SRS") program. The subpoena required that the requested documents be provided to the…

News Coverage of the ESA Field Hearings on Casper, Wyoming and Billings, MT

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On Wednesday, September 4th, the House Natural Resources Committee held two Full Committee field hearings in Casper, Wyoming and Billings, Montana on “State and Local Efforts to Protect Species, Jobs, Property, and Multiple Use Amidst a New War on the West.”  At these hearings, witnesses discussed how federal Endangered Species Act (ESA) listings can impact local jobs and the economy…