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Chairman Hastings Follow-up Letter to Chief Tidwell Requesting Additional Documents Regarding the Decision-making Process During the Government Shutdown

| Posted in Letters

Dear Chief Tidwell: The Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") is conducting oversight of how the U.S. Forest Service exercised its discretion in preparing for and responding to the lapse in appropriations that occurred beginning on October 1, 2013. On October 11 ,2013, a letter was sent directing Forest Service to preserve documents potentials responsive to the Committee's…

Chairman Hastings Follow-up Letter to Director Ashe Requesting Additional Documents Regarding the Decision-making Process During the Government Shutdown

| Posted in Letters

Dear Director Ashe: The Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") is conducting oversight of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's ("FWS") preparation for and activities during the recent lapse in appropriations and shutdown of the federal government, including the process used for determining which employees were exempt from furlough; the decision to restrict…

Chairman Hastings Continues to Seek Answers on the National Blueways Program and Chu Memo

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today sent letters to Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell and Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz regarding unfulfilled oversight requests from the House Natural Resources Committee on the National Blueways program and former Secretary Chu’s Memorandum to the Power Market Administrations. In addition to reiterating requests…

Hastings Letter to Secretary Jewell Regarding Unfulfilled Requests on the National Blueways Program

| Posted in Letters

Dear Secretary Jewell: This letter follows up on prior communications, including June 28, 2013 and July 29, 2013 letters requesting 15 categories of documents and information, about the Department of the Interior's ("Department") Secretarial Order 3321 ("Order"). This Order established the "National Blueways System," a "headwaters to mouth approach to river management." This information…

Hastings Letter to Secretary Moniz Regarding Unfulfilled Requests on the Chu Memo to Federal Power Marketing Administrators

| Posted in Letters

Dear Secretary Moniz: The Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") has been conducting oversight and investigatory activities regarding your predecessor's March 16, 2012 "Memorandum for the Federal Power Marketing Administrators." For nearly a year, the Committee has repeatedly sought communications and documents from the Department in order to shed light on the decision-making…

Chairman Hastings Seeks Answers Over Shutdown Closures in National Forests and Wildlife Refuges

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) today sent letters to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Director Dan Ashe and U.S. Forest Service Chief Tom Tidwell regarding the Obama Administration’s actions to unnecessarily and arbitrarily restrict public access to wildlife refuges and Forest Service lands during the government shutdown. Last week, Chairman Hastings…

UPDATED: House Committees to Hold Joint Hearing on the Obama Administration’s Unnecessary National Park & Monument Closures

| Posted in Committee Action

The House Natural Resources Committee and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee will hold a joint oversight hearing on Wednesday, October 16th entitled “As Difficult As Possible: The National Park Service’s Implementation of the Government Shutdown.” Among the issues to be examined at the hearing include the Obama Administration’s arbitrary and unnecessary actions to erect…

BAD LANDLORD: National Park Service Forcing Privately Operated Sites to Close

| Posted in Press Release

This week the Obama Administration began erecting metal barricades to keep families, veterans, school groups and visitors out of popular open-air monuments in Washington D.C. such as the Lincoln Memorial, which did not happen during the last government shutdown, and the World War II Memorial. The U.S. Park Service has also closed small businesses and non-profit operations that happen to…

FLASHBACK: DC Memorials Open During Last Shutdown under Clinton

| Posted in Press Release

This week the Obama Administration began erecting steel barricades to keep veterans, families and visitors out of popular open-air monuments such as the Lincoln Memorial and World War II Memorial. Despite the fact that these are open-air sites that are open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year and are only staffed by Park Rangers during certain hours of the day, the Obama…