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Job Creation

Hastings: Obama Administration Regulations are Costing American Jobs, Blocking American Energy Production

| Posted in Floor Statements

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following remarks on the House Floor in support of H. Res. 72, a resolution directing certain committees, including the Natural Resources Committee, to review existing, pending and proposed federal regulations and their effect on jobs and economic growth. “Gasoline prices are rising and we have near…

Chairman Hastings' Op-Ed on The Daily Caller: Egyptian political unrest highlights need for more American energy production

| Posted in Op-Eds and Speeches

Egyptian political unrest highlights need for more American energy production Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings The Daily Caller February 8, 2011 1:56 PM Last week, the price of oil broke $100 a barrel for the first time since 2008, due in part to the political unrest in Egypt. As gasoline prices rise, Americans are reminded that the consequences of this unrest are…

Hastings Questions Administration’s Proposed Rewrite of Mining Regulations that could Cost Thousands of American Jobs

| Posted in Press Release

Today, House Natural Resources Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) sent a letter to Joseph G. Pizarchik, Director of the Office of Surface Mining, Reclamation and Enforcement (OSM) expressing concern that the Obama Administration is proposing sweeping new rewrites to coal mining regulations that will cost U.S. jobs and decrease American energy production. According to the Administration’s own…

Chairman Hastings Opening Statement at Committee Hearing on the President’s National Oil Spill Commission Final Report

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) delivered the following opening statement at today’s Full Committee Oversight hearing on the President’s National Oil Spill Commission findings and recommendations: “It’s been nine months since the horrific explosion and oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico that resulted in the death of 11 men and the burning and sinking of the…

Chairman Hastings Statement on the President’s State of the Union Address

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding the President’s State of the Union address: “The President spoke at length tonight on the need to increase our economic competiveness and create new jobs. However, it’s the spending and job-destroying policies of his Administration that are jeopardizing our economic future. “Today,…

Charts Show Historic Drop-Off in Issuance of New Drilling Permits in the Gulf

| Posted in Blog

Greater New Orleans, Inc. recently released a Gulf Permit Index (GPI) that shows the Obama Administration is in no hurry to issue drilling permits in the Gulf of Mexico and end the de facto moratorium that has left thousands of Americans out of work. GNO, Inc. found that to date only two deep water permits have been issued since the deep water drilling moratorium was officially listed…

Platts Energy Week Interview with Chairman Doc Hastings

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Chairman Doc Hastings sat down with Platts Energy Week to discuss Wednesday’s oversight hearing with the President’s National Oil Spill Commission Co-Chairs William Reilly and Bob Graham. The hearing is expected to focus on the Commission’s findings into the causes of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, the on-going federal response and recommendations to keep America’s offshore energy…

Obama Administration Pursues Anti-Energy Policies as Gas Prices Climb Higher

| Posted in Resourceful Information

Yesterday, the Associated Press reported on rising gas prices causing consumers to shift spending habits, which could directly curtail economic recovery: “Thursday's government report on retail sales indicates that consumers are skipping a restaurant meal or a movie because they have to spend more to drive…If the price [of gas] goes up a dime, it means consumers pay $40 million more each…

Chairman Hastings’ Statement on the President’s National Oil Spill Commission Final Report

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding the final report and recommendations from the President’s National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill and Offshore Drilling. The House Natural Resources Committee is scheduled to hold a hearing, with testimony from Commission Co-Chairs William Reilly and Bob Graham, on…