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Job Creation

Republicans Highlight Job Loss, Economic Impacts of Administration’s Wild Lands Order

| Posted in Press Release

Today at a Natural Resources Committee hearing, Republican Members soundly rejected the Obama Administration’s new “Wild Lands” order. This Secretarial Order, issued without public consultation, attempts to designate Wilderness areas without Congressional approval. Numerous state and local officials testified at today’s hearing that this order could lock-up public lands, destroy American…

Hastings Statement on Approval of First Deepwater Drilling Permit

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House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after the Interior Department announced the approval of Noble Energy’s deepwater drilling permit: “Over four months after the deepwater drilling moratorium was officially lifted in the Gulf of Mexico, the Administration is finally issuing the first permit. While this is good news, today’s…

Chairman Hastings on Strategic Petroleum Reserve Proposal: Our Real Reserves Are in the Gulf, Alaska, OCS and Public Lands

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after House Democrats asked President Obama to release portions of the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR): “Americans are feeling the pain at the pump as gasoline prices climb towards four dollars a gallon. Tapping the SPR may provide some temporary relief but we must consider America’s…

Study Reinforces Need for American Energy Development

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As America’s dependence on foreign oil is highlighted by increased gasoline prices due to political unrest in North Africa and the Middle East, a newly released study confirms what Natural Resources Republicans have been telling President Obama for two years: Increased American energy production creates jobs, increases American energy security and helps reduce our national…

Reps. Hastings and Lamborn Send Letter Announcing Upcoming Hearings on de facto Moratorium

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Chairman Doc Hastings and Energy and Minerals Subcommittee Chairman Doug Lamborn sent the following letter to Gulf State Committee Members today notifying them of the Committee’s intention to hold upcoming hearings on the President’s de facto drilling moratorium and the slow-walking of permits. The letter specifically highlights the following new upcoming Committee activities: …

Committee to Hold Oversight Hearing on Interior Department’s “Wild Lands” Policy

| Posted in Committee Action

On Tuesday, March 1st the House Natural Resources Committee will hold a Full Committee oversight hearing on “The Impact of the Administration’s Wild Lands Order on Jobs and Economic Growth.” The Wild Lands policy, established by Secretarial Order, is an attempt by the Interior Department to establish de facto Wilderness areas without Congressional approval. “This is a prime example of why…

Interior Dept. Announces Delays to U.S. Oil Shale Production

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement after Interior Secretary Ken Salazar announced that the Department plans to review the current rules for commercial oil shale leasing: “This redundant step is yet another example of the Obama Administration proactively stopping American job-creating energy projects before they can begin. The…

Chairman Hastings' Op-Ed in The Hill: Regulations stifle drilling, push gas prices up at pump

| Posted in Op-Eds and Speeches

Regulations stifle drilling, push gas prices up at pump February 15, 2011 The Hill Rep. Doc Hastings, Chairman House Natural Resources Committee Americans across the country are facing rising gasoline prices that are squeezing families’ monthly budgets and businesses’ ability to prosper and create jobs. There’s a growing anxiety that, like the summer of 2008, prices will once again…

Budget Watch: Over $60 Billion in American Energy Tax and Fee Increases

| Posted in Tax Dollar Tracker

In his Fiscal Year 2012 budget, President Obama doubles down on his Administration’s anti-energy agenda by imposing over $60 billion in tax and fee increases over ten years on American energy production. With gasoline prices steadily on the rise, this Administration should be looking to promote domestic production, not punish American-made energy that creates American jobs. By raising…

President’s Budget Would Raise Energy Prices, Cost American Jobs

| Posted in Press Release

House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement today regarding President Obama’s FY 2012 budget: “The United States cannot afford to continue President Obama’s trillion dollar budget deficits that ignore any sense of fiscal sanity. We have a real debt crisis that requires making tough decisions and setting priorities. Unfortunately, the…