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Water Rights Protection Act (H.R. 3189)

| Posted in Committee Votes

Reporting H.R. 3189 Out of Committee (Passed 19-14. View Roll Call Vote) This bipartisan bill would protect private property rights from recent federal overreach that threatens to take water supplies from recreation businesses, ranchers, cities and towns, and local conservation efforts. Tipton Amendment 036 (Approved by Voice Vote) This amendment would make technical corrections and…

Chairman Hastings Invitation Letter to Secretary Vilsack to Testify before Full Committee after Failure to Comply with Subpoenas

| Posted in Letters

Dear Secretary Vilsack: The Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") invites you, as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture ("USDA"), to testify at an oversight hearing regarding (1) the Obama Administration's decision to sequester money paid to states under the Secure Rural Schools program ("SRS") and (2) your compliance with a subpoena served September 4, 2013, on you, as…

Chairman Hastings Invitation Letter to Director Mathews Burwell to Testify before Full Committee after Failure to Comply with Subpoenas

| Posted in Letters

Dear Director Mathews Burwell: The Committee on Natural Resources ("Committee") invites you, as Director of the Office of Management and Budget ("OMB"), to testify at an oversight hearing regarding (1) the Obama Administration's decision to sequester money paid to states under the Secure Rural Schools ("SRS") program and (2) your compliance with the subpoena served September 4, 2013 on…

Letter from 75 Members of Congress to Fish and Wildlife Service Director Ashe Calling for Full Delisting of the Gray Wolf

| Posted in Letters

Dear Director Ashe: We write in strong support of the proposed rule to delist the gray wolf nationally, included in docket number FWS-HQ-ES-2013-0073, although we are opposed to the provision included in this rule that would list the Mexican wolf as an endangered sub-species. The statutory purpose of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) is to recover species to the point where they are no…

Hastings Letter to Secretary Vilsack Announcing Failure to Comply with Subpoenas, Intent to Invite Officials to Oversight Hearing

| Posted in Letters

Dear Secretary Vilsack: A subpoena was issued to you as Secretary of the U.S. Department of Agriculture ("USDA") on September 4, 2013, for documents related to the Obama Administration's decision to sequester money paid to states under the Secure Rural Schools ("SRS") program. The subpoena required that the requested documents be provided to the Committee on Natural Resources…

Hastings Letter to Director Mathews Burwell Announcing Failure to Comply with Subpoenas, Intent to Invite Officials to Oversight Hearing

| Posted in Letters

Dear Director Mathews Burwell: A subpoena was issued to you as Director of the Office of Management and Budget ("OMB") on September 4, 2013, for documents related to the Obama Administration's decision to sequester money paid to states under the Secure Rural Schools ("SRS") program. The subpoena required that the requested documents be provided to the Committee on Natural Resources…