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Deepwater Horizon Spill

Committee Hearings Begin Tomorrow on Deepwater Horizon Spill

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Tomorrow, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar, along with other Administration officials, will testify before our committee on the Deepwater Horizon rig explosion and oil spill.  The Natural Resources Committee has responsibility for this offshore leasing spill and the natural resource damages caused by the spill. Ranking Member Doc Hastings has repeatedly said that our immediate…

Hastings Statement on Division of MMS into Three Agencies

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar’s most recent proposal to divide the Minerals Management Service (MMS) into three separate agencies: “I’m ready to work with the Administration to fully investigate the Gulf spill and to make the changes necessary to ensure safe,…

Hastings Statement on Administration’s Proposal to Divide MMS

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statement regarding Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar’s proposal to divide the Minerals Management Service (MMS) into two separate agencies: “The Secretary’s proposal merits consideration. My first reaction is that such a division of duties would have benefits if it can be done right. A…

Hastings and Rahall Statements on the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (R-WA) and Chairman Nick J. Rahall (D-WV) today released the following statements on the Gulf of Mexico oil spill: Ranking Member Hastings: “Our immediate priorities must be stopping the leak, cleaning up the oil and responding to the needs of the threatened and impacted communities. We must also not forget the terrible loss…

Hastings Statement on the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

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House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statements regarding the oil spill and cleanup efforts in the Gulf of Mexico: “First and foremost, the focus must be on addressing this emergency situation, stopping the leaks and thoroughly investigating the cause of the explosion. This is a tragic event that has cost lives, caused…

The Hill’s E2 Wire: Rahall, Hastings dispatch staff to monitor oil spill

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The leaders of the House Natural Resources Committee – which oversees offshore drilling and some related coastal issues – have dispatched committee staff to monitor the work of federal agencies responding to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. “We are sending Committee staff to observe the joint unified command as they problem-solve in real time to ensure protection of our economically…