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Press Release

Hastings Statement on the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill

House Natural Resources Committee Ranking Member Doc Hastings (WA-04) released the following statements regarding the oil spill and cleanup efforts in the Gulf of Mexico:

“First and foremost, the focus must be on addressing this emergency situation, stopping the leaks and thoroughly investigating the cause of the explosion.

This is a tragic event that has cost lives, caused environmental damage and is threatening the economic livelihood of communities throughout the Gulf. Efforts to contain and clean up the spill must be swift and the America people must be assured that BP, not taxpayers, will be responsible for paying the costs associated with this disaster.

Given the vast numbers of oil rigs and platforms currently operating in the Gulf of Mexico and the safety record over the last 15 years, which includes no ruptures during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, it’s important to determine the cause before taking drastic action.

I’m hopeful that through the investigation we’ll learn how to prevent such an incident in the future. However, we cannot turn a blind eye to the continued need for all-the-above American energy production, which is necessary for our economy, jobs and national security.”

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