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Federal Land Management

House Passes Legislation to Protect Private Property Rights

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Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed H.R. 2130, the “Red River Private Property Protection Act” by a vote of 253-177.  The Committee passed the legislation in September. Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) commented upon passage: “The ‘Red River Private Property Protection Act’ stops the Bureau of Land Management’s unwanted, unwarranted attempt to seize thousands of acres of land…

Bishop: National Park Service Centennial Act Improves National Park System for Future Generations

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The Subcommittee on Federal Lands today held a legislative hearing on a discussion draft of the National Park Service Centennial Act, which provides new funding and management authority to prepare the National Park Service (NPS) for the commemoration of its centennial in 2016. Chairman Bishop commented following the hearing: “Today the Committee on Natural Resources reviewed draft…

Bishop: LWCF Must Be Reformed to Help Americans

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The Committee on Natural Resources today held a legislative hearing on the Protecting America’s Recreation and Conservation (PARC) Act discussion draft, which proposes to reauthorize and reform the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF). Chairman Bishop commented following the hearing: “Today, we heard from states and local park advocates on the need for more money for the successful…

Committee Unveils Federal Footprint Map

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Today, the Committee on Natural Resources released the Federal Footprint Map, which details the immense scale of federal land ownership and regulation in the United States.  This interactive tool gathers data from federal agencies and will be used as an educational resource for Members of Congress and their staff, reporters, and the public.  Chairman Bishop (R-UT)…

Bishop Releases Land and Water Conservation Fund Reforms

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Today, Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) released a discussion draft of legislation titled the “Protecting America’s Recreation and Conservation (PARC) Act,” which includes several substantive reforms to update the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF), enacted in 1965. “The LWCF’s current lopsided funding ratio makes limited funds available to establish recreation projects and facilities that…

Wall Street Journal: Government Land Grab

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The Obama Administration has spent years invading broad parts of the economy from finance to health care, but less noticed is the takeover of, well, actual land. Witness the standoff over a 50-year-old public land program that has devolved into a watering hole for seizing private property. The Land and Water Conservation Fund, whose Congressional authorization expired on Sept.…

Bishop Response to WSJ Editorial on the Land and Water Conservation Fund

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Today, House Committee on Natural Resource Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) issued the following statement in response to an editorial in the Wall Street Journal: “One of the harshest things that a government can do is to take away a citizen’s land and home.  The fact that for 50 years the Land and Water Conservation Fund has been misused to jeopardize private property rights, a…

Bishop Requests Information from Departments on Federal Land Grabs Through LWCF

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Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) sent a letter to U.S. Department of the Interior Secretary Sally Jewell and U.S. Department of Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack requesting information about federal agencies recent land acquisitions and stewardship of existing federal lands. The request for information was made as the Committee finalizes…

Bishop: Special Interests Will Not Prevent Congress from Modernizing LWCF, Protecting State and Local Recreational Access

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House Committee on Natural Resources Chairman Rob Bishop (R-UT) today issued the following statement on efforts to modernize the Land and Water Conservation Fund (LWCF) Act of 1965. “Both Republicans and Democrats support the original intent of the Land and Water Conservation Fund, but the program has drifted far from the original intent.  Under my chairmanship, the status quo will…