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Press Release

Bishop: National Park Service Centennial Act Improves National Park System for Future Generations

The Subcommittee on Federal Lands today held a legislative hearing on a discussion draft of the National Park Service Centennial Act, which provides new funding and management authority to prepare the National Park Service (NPS) for the commemoration of its centennial in 2016. Chairman Bishop commented following the hearing:

“Today the Committee on Natural Resources reviewed draft legislation to provide the National Park Service with new funding and management tools as we prepare to commemorate its 100th anniversary.  Preserving public access to these resources for our next generation will not be accomplished without new and innovation approaches to address our growing federal land management crisis. Any final centennial package absolutely must move the ball forward on this front, as we have done through this discussion draft. I look forward to working together with the Obama Administration, Ranking Member Grijalva and interested stakeholder groups on a final package to address these challenges and better equip the NPS for the next century.”  

Click here to view additional information on the hearing.