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H.R. 2898 The Western Water & American Food Security Act of 2015

Four Governors: Federal Overreach Causing Major Problems in the West

| Posted in Press Release

Today, the House Committee on Natural Resources held an oversight hearing with four Western governors on “Respecting State Authority in Regards to Resource Management and Energy Development.” Governors Matt Mead (R-WY), Steve Bullock (D-MT), Dennis Daugaard (R-SD), and Gary Herbert (R-UT) all expressed major concerns about a swath of federal policies that disenfranchise the states from…

Resurrecting 'Eureka' in California

| Posted in Op-Eds and Speeches

OP-ED: Resurrecting 'Eureka' in California National Review Chairman Rob Bishop “Eureka!” (“I have found it.”) Coined for the discovery of gold that brought adventurers and entrepreneurs flocking to the elusive western border of our continent, California’s state motto has held true for generations: It’s a uniquely American sentiment,…