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ICYMI: Secretary Jewell: “No, I can’t guarantee anything”

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In response to Energy and Mineral Resources Subcommittee Chairman Doug Lamborn’s (CO-5) questioning about the Administration’s Outer Continental Shelf oil and gas five-year plan, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said she could not guarantee that the Atlantic lease sale would be in the finalized proposal. “So you guarantee that the Atlantic will be part of final version?” Lamborn…

Chairman Bishop Interview on Morning in America with Bill Bennett

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On March 2, 2015, Chairman Rob Bishop joined Morning in America radio host Bill Bennett to discuss fracking, OPEC, and federal lands.  “The United States is a leader now in energy production, we’ve caught up to the Russians and Saudi Arabians, but we’ve done that all on state and private lands,” stated Bishop. “If the nation is to go…

Chairman Bishop Discusses Homeland Security Funding on C-SPAN

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On March 2, 2015, Chairman Rob Bishop joins the Washington Journal on C-SPAN to discuss funding the Department of Homeland Security, federal lands, and energy production.    “We have turned into an economic giant in the United States. We’ve already surpassed Russia and Saudi Arabia in the amount of energy we produce, but it’s all…

Chairman Bishop Interview on The Larry Kudlow Show

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On February 28, 2015, Chairman Rob Bishop joined The Larry Kudlow Show to discuss Keystone, ANWAR, and increasing energy production across the nation.  "We are living in a much more dangerous world than we ever had during the Cold War. And to meet that threat, that environment, we’ve got to use our diplomatic means, our military means,…

Chairman Bishop Interview on Sirius XM Radio with Tim Farley

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On February 26, 2015, Chairman Rob Bishop joined Sirius XM radio host Tim Farley to discuss federal lands and the direction of the committee for the 114th Congress.  “The United States is becoming an energy leader. We’ve already passed Russia and Saudi Arabia for energy production, but it’s all been on private and state lands,” stated…

Resources Chairman Bishop discusses panel priorities, plans for climate, drilling action

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On February 25, 2015, Chairman Bishop spoke with Environment and Energy Publishing to discuss the 114th Congress, carbon sequestration, and new ideas to combat climate change. "'The new chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee sees the Interior Department’s budget as a way to inject creative thinking into issues like oil drilling on…

GOP chairman: Interior funding request 'underwhelming'

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On February 24, 2015, Chairman Rob Bishop was interviewed by Timothy Cama with The Hill to discuss Secretary Sally Jewell and the Presidents 2016 budget requests. “The new chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee sees the Interior Department’s budget as a way to inject creative thinking into issues like oil drilling on federal land and offshore…Bishop…

ICYMI: Fresno Bee: Facts Support Passage of Drought Relief Legislation

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EDITORIAL: Facts Support Passage of Drought Relief Legislation The Bee Editorial Board The Fresno Bee December 6, 2014 One of the oldest rules in politics is, when the facts are on your side, you cite the facts; when the facts aren’t on your side, you pound the table. Over the last few days, opponents of The California Emergency Drought Relief Act, which was introduced in the House…

ICYMI: E&E News: House passes NDAA with major parks, development package

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House passes NDAA with major parks, development package Phil Taylor E&E News December 4, 2014 The House today voted 300-119 to pass the fiscal 2015 defense authorization bill, including what would be the biggest package of public lands, wilderness, parks and energy bills in nearly six years. The defense bill would designate nearly 250,000 acres of wilderness in five Western…

ICYMI: The Hill: Federal land exchanges in the National Defense Authorization Act

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Federal land exchanges in the National Defense Authorization Act Daniel McGroarty, President of American Resources Policy Network The Hill, Congress Blog December 4, 2014 In the December dash to act on must-pass legislation in the waning days of the 113th Congress, there are real risks that ill-advised initiatives will make their way into…