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Vancouver Sun: Protecting endangered species interfering with border security: U.S. Republicans

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Protecting endangered species interfering with border security: U.S. Republicans Randy Boswell Vancouver Sun May 26, 2010 A group of Republican lawmakers says policies aimed at protecting the grizzly bear and other cross-boundary species along the U.S.-Canada border are putting wildlife conservation ahead of national security on America's northern frontier. In a statement released…

FOX News: Congressman Seeks to Expand EPA's Control of Water

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Click here to watch Congressman Seeks to Expand EPA's Control of Water FOX News April 21, 2010 Brian Wilson A Democratic congressman is seeking to strip the word "navigable" from the 1972 Clean Water Act to allow the Environmental Protection Agency to surpass the limits imposed by a 2001 Supreme Court ruling on the kinds of waterways the agency can regulate. That word typically…

Washington Examiner Editorial: Securing the border is the first priority

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Securing the border is the first priority Washington Examiner Editorial April 19, 2010 A feud between the Departments of the Interior and Homeland Security over federal wilderness areas that constitute 40 percent of the nation's southern border has been undermining the mission of both agencies for nearly a decade. This adolescent refusal to cooperate threatens the security of all… GOP Reps Offer Bill to Ban Interior Dept. From Hindering Border Agents

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GOP Reps Offer Bill to Ban Interior Dept. From Hindering Border Agents April 14, 2010 Joshua Rhett Miller The unknown gunman who murdered an Arizona rancher three weeks ago entered and exited the U.S. illegally in an area where border agents are widely prohibited from using motorized vehicles, constructing roads and installing surveillance structures, federal agents have…

Wall Street Journal Editorial: Drilling Bits: Less new oil exploration than meets the eye

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Drilling Bits: Less new oil exploration than meets the eye April 1, 2010 Wall Street Journal Editorial Fourteen months into the Obama Presidency, we are grateful for small favors. So we suppose we should cheer the White House announcement yesterday that it is allowing new offshore oil and gas drilling. But this really is a smaller favor than the headlines claim. The President…

Wall Street Journal Editorial: An Energy Head Fake

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An Energy Head Fake The Administration is still hostile to oil drilling and nuclear power. Wall Street Journal Editorial March 11, 2010 President Obama used his January State of the Union speech to promise "a new generation of safe, clean nuclear power plants" and "new offshore areas for oil and gas development." Judging by its recent decisions, we'd say his Cabinet hasn't…

Wall Street Journal Editorial: Hawaiian Secession

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Hawaiian Secession 2/27/2010 Wall Street Journal Editorial As farewell presents go, few lawmakers get to redistribute an entire state's wealth based on race. That was the send-off for Representative Neil Abercrombie, who is retiring this week to run for Governor of Hawaii. For his campaign literature, he'll take the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act, which was whooped…

National Review Online: Trouble in Paradise: Why the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act deserves to fail

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Trouble in Paradise: Why the Native Hawaiian Government Reorganization Act deserves to fail February 23, 2010 National Review Duncan Currie Amid much wrangling over the economy, a bipartisan debt panel, and President Obama’s health-care summit, Congress has chosen this moment to tackle . . . Native Hawaiian sovereignty? Sometime soon, perhaps as early as today, the House of…

Wall Street Journal: Regulators’ Report Warns Of Econ Harm From US Oil Ban

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Regulators’ Report Warns Of Econ Harm From US Oil Ban 2/15/10, 6:30 PM Wall Street Journal Ian Talley WASHINGTON --The U.S. economy could lose trillions of dollars in income and see oil imports increase if the Obama administration maintains a moratorium on domestic petroleum development in closed areas, a new report warns. The study was co-commissioned by the National Association…

FOX News: Tracking Your Taxes: Park Pork?

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Tracking Your Taxes: Park Pork? February 9, 2010, 12:05 PM ET FOX News Live Shots Blog William La Jeunesse Click here to watch the video If you are hoping to visit the newest crown jewel in America's park system chosen by Congress, throw away the car keys and open up your wallet. The 2,900 pristine acres of beachfront property were not cheap -- or even in the United States. The…