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Op-Eds and Speeches

PROMESA Promises Hope for Puerto Rico and Its Investors

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OP-ED: PROMESA Promises Hope for Puerto Rico and Its Investors By Rep. Rob Bishop & Rep. Sean Duffy Chapter 9 bankruptcy isn’t the only option for Puerto Rico With great power comes great responsibility. Under the U.S. Constitution, Congress is vested with the power to “make all needful rules and regulations respecting” territories of the United States. As millions of our…

Bold Thinking Needed on Title Transfers

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OP-ED: Bold Thinking Needed on Title Transfers By Congressman Rob Bishop Chairman, House Committee on Natural Resources Throughout much of the last century, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation projects have played a significant role in western settlement and development. These projects have provided those in Utah—and elsewhere in the West— critical…

Duplicity at the Gold King Mine

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OP-ED: Duplicity at the Gold King Mine Rep. Rob Bishop As the effects of dumping 3 million gallons of contaminated mine water into the Animas and San Juan Rivers continue to be studied, the story of the Gold King Mine disaster grows from bad to worse. Some may have heard that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) "accidentally" caused the blowout, but newly disclosed information…

Freeing Indians From Obama's Grip

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OP-ED: Freeing Indians From Obama's Grip Wall Street Journal Chairman Rob Bishop   Poor access to health care, drug and alcohol abuse, teen suicide, and a lack of job opportunities plague Indian reservations across the country. With unemployment rates in a number of large Indian communities well over 50%, many tribes live in conditions…

Resurrecting 'Eureka' in California

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OP-ED: Resurrecting 'Eureka' in California National Review Chairman Rob Bishop “Eureka!” (“I have found it.”) Coined for the discovery of gold that brought adventurers and entrepreneurs flocking to the elusive western border of our continent, California’s state motto has held true for generations: It’s a uniquely American sentiment,…

Federal Government Undermining Technology in the Energy Era

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OP-ED: Federal Government Undermining Technology in the Energy Era By Rob Bishop A country that undermines its own technological advancements is a country in peril. A decade ago, establishment experts, bureaucrats, and environmental extremists were convinced the world was running out of fossil fuels - the organic energy found deep underground…

Protect Forests Too Much and They Go Up in Flames

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OP-ED: Protect Forests Too Much and They Go Up in Flames By Rep. Rob Bishop Today, 58 million acres of our nation's forests, an area slightly larger than my home state of Utah, are in danger of being burned to a crisp. The higher estimate reaches 86 million acres – add in a Michigan. What has made our nation's forests so…

Assessing the State of Water and Power in the West

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OP-ED: Assessing the State of Water and Power in the West Water and Power Report By Congressman Rob Bishop Chairman, House Committee on Natural Resources   Those of us from the western United States are fully aware of what irrigated agriculture means to our local ways of life, regional economies, domestic food supplies, and…

In Lieu of the Cane, a Reflection on Conservation Policy

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In Lieu of the Cane, a Reflection on Conservation Policy | Commentary By Rep. Rob Bishop More than 200 years ago, Rep. Roger Griswold of Connecticut used his wooden cane to bludgeon Rep. Matthew Lyon of Vermont on the House floor. Had Griswold any respect for Lyon, he would have challenged him to a duel. I raise the Griswold-Lyon affair of 1798 not to commend this conduct, but to…

America's Arctic blink

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OP-ED: America's Arctic blink The Washington Times Chairman Rob Bishop (UT-01) February 5, 2015  The response should never be to falter when your enemy stares you down, but that’s just what President Obama has done with OPEC. He sent a signal: America will blink. Last week, the Obama administration issued two edicts that could leave much of our strategic energy resources…