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Subcommittee Field Hearing on Restoring Access to Our National Forests Draws a Crowd

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On Monday, the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public Lands traveled to Sacramento, California for a field oversight hearing entitled, Restoring Public Access to the Public’s Lands: Issues Impacting Multiple-use on Our National Forests. Subcommittee Chairman Rob Bishop (UT-01) and Representatives Tom McClintock (CA-04) and Wally Herger (CA-02) attended the hearing, held in the…

U.S. House Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands Meets This Monday At The State Capitol

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Congressman Tom McClintock (CA-04) On Monday, September 19 the U.S. House of Representatives Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests, and Public Lands will hold a field hearing on “Restoring Public Access to the Public’s Lands: Issues Impacting Multiple-use on Our National Forests.” I requested this hearing because a growing number of…

FOX News Spotlight on Mountain Pine Beetle Epidemic

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Today, FOX News ran a segment on the mountain pine beetle, an insect that has killed over 40 million acres of pine trees throughout the West within the last ten years. The groves of dead trees caused by the mountain pine beetle epidemic leave forests and surrounding neighborhoods susceptible to wildfires. In July, the Subcommittee on National Parks, Forests and Public lands held a field…

Politico Pro: Hastings floats drilling oversight plan

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Hastings floats drilling oversight plan By Darren Goode Politico Pro 7/25/11 1:36 PM EDT House Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings on Monday released his own draft plan to abolish the former Minerals Management Service and restructure federal offshore drilling oversight. The Hastings proposal, similar to a reorganization effort the Interior Department is already…

Reps. Fleming and Gohmert Tour Giant Salvinia Infestation on Caddo Lake

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On Monday, the Subcommittee on Fisheries, Wildlife, Oceans and Insular affairs held a field hearing in Shreveport, Louisiana on the giant salvinia - a free-floating aquatic invasive fern. It sits just below the water surface blocking out sunlight below and therefore killing everything beneath the water’s surface. It grows at a rapid rate by cloning itself and has been found to cover 40…

New Study Shows Wide Ranging Affect of High Energy Costs

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The Consumer Energy Alliance (CEA) released a report today outlining the wide-ranging affect restricted energy development and high energy costs are having on several sectors of the U.S. Economy.  The report also cites energy proposals and policies that would result in more American energy production and increased job creation. Every industry, from agriculture to manufacturing to…

Chairman Hastings Discusses Tapping the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and American-made Energy on FOX Business

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On Friday, Chairman Doc Hastings spoke with Eric Bolling on FOX Business about President Obama's surprise decision to release 30 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR). In reaction to the President’s decision, Chairman Hastings said, “The Strategic Petroleum Reserve is intended for situations when there’s a dramatic supply shut down, not to achieve…

Chairman Hastings Speaks with KTVF Fairbanks About Recent Alaska Energy Tour

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Last week, Natural Resources Committee Chairman Doc Hastings traveled to Alaska to tour the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPR-A), the Trans Alaskan Pipeline System (TAPS) and the Native village of Kaktovik with Alaska Governor Sean Parnell and Representative Don Young (AK-at large). Following his trip to Alaska, Chairman Hastings introduced H.R. 2150, the National Petroleum Reserve…

Chairman Hastings Visits Alaska to View State of Energy Projects

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Last week, Chairman Hastings visited Alaska to view the state of current and prospective energy development. While in the State he also met and traveled with local officials Governor Sean Parnell and Congressman Don Young to discuss ongoing issues pertaining to the Natural Resources Committee. Alaska has some of the most abundant energy resources in the country. The utilization of these…