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House Convenes for 112th Congress; Watch Live Online

Today House Republicans will make history by live streaming the opening session of the 112th Congress - including the swearing-in ceremony and remarks by Speaker-designate John Boehner (R-OH) - on the Internet. The House will convene and the stream will go live at 12:00 p.m. ET.

House Republican leadership will broadcast the stream live on the Pledge to America Facebook page. The Natural Resources Committee will also broadcast the live stream on their blog and their Facebook page. We encourage you to log-on and watch the events as they unfold.

The new Republican majority has pledged to change the way Congress works – to lead by listening to and reflecting the will of the American people. Together with new rules demanding increased levels of online disclosure and transparency (including requirements that all bills be posted online at least three days before a vote and committees broadcast hearings online), this event is another example of the new majority’s commitment to making Congress more open and accountable.

The Natural Resources Committee will continue to improve our online communications in the 112th Congress. In addition to our interactive Facebook page, the Committee maintains a YouTube Channel as well as a Twitter feed of Committee news and events. We are also in the process of updating our award-winning website to create a more informative and dynamic online gateway for our visitors.

Watch the live stream of today's ceremonies here:

Watch live streaming video from speakerboehner at