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Republicans to Live Stream Opening Session of Congress on Facebook

| Neal Kirby

Tomorrow, House Republicans will live stream the opening session of the 112th Congress - including the swearing-in ceremony and remarks by Speaker-designate John Boehner (R-OH) - on the Pledge to America Facebook Page. The House will convene and the stream will go live at 12:00 p.m. ET. This is the first time an opening session of Congress has been broadcast live on Facebook where visitors can interact and discuss the event with others, and offer feedback directly to elected representatives. The new Republican majority has pledged to change the way Congress works – to lead by listening to and ... Read More »

Committee on Public Lands is created, Dec. 17, 1805

| Committee Staff

Committee on public lands is created, Dec. 17, 1805 December 17, 2010 Politico Andrew Glass On this day in 1805, the House created a Committee on Public Lands to help manage the vast, newly acquired territory of the Louisiana Purchase. The acquisition in 1803 from Napoleonic France covered all or part of 14 current U.S. states and two Canadian provinces — nearly 830,000 square miles. It contained present-day Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, parts of Minnesota west of the Mississippi River, most of North Dakota, nearly all of South Dakota, northeastern New Mexico, the porti... Read More »

The National Academies Release Interim Report on Deepwater Horizon Incident

| Committee Staff

The National Academy of Engineering and National Research Council released an interim report this morning on the April 20th Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill. According to the report, BP demonstrated “an insufficient consideration of risk and a lack of operating discipline.” The 15-member panel of scientists and technical experts are still actively investigating the incident and will make known its findings and recommendations in a final report due in June. Read the full report here. Read More »

Rep. Frank Lucas: Obama's EPA has become an agency gone wild

| Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK)

Rep. Frank Lucas (R-OK) Every day the EPA seems to demonstrate how vastly disconnected it is to the folks who feed us. With little oversight from the Democratic leadership that controls both the House and the Senate, Obama’s EPA has become an agency gone wild, creating regulations and policies that are burdensome, overreaching, and that negatively affect jobs and rural economies. The agency doesn’t seem to realize that rural America’s economy is dependant on agriculture. A thriving agriculture sector breeds a healthy rural economy. EPA’s in-your-face-approach to more government regulation has... Read More »

Rural American Solutions Group Forum on Job-Killing EPA Regulations

| Republican Conference Staff

Rep. Frank Lucas (OK), Rep. Sam Graves (MO), and Rep. Doc Hastings (WA), co-chairs of the Rural America Solutions Group, will host a forum to discuss Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations and initiatives that are hindering job creation and economic expansion in America’s rural communities. The forum, entitled “The EPA’s Assault on Rural America: How New Regulations and Proposed Legislation are Stifling Job Creation and Economic Growth,” will take place tomorrow at 2 p.m. EST. The Co-Chairs will lead a panel discussion on a range of EPA proposals and related legislation, including c... Read More »

What Americans Should Know on National Public Lands Day

| Committee Staff

Tomorrow is National Public Lands Day—a day that should be celebrated with family trips to all of our public lands. Unfortunately, safe family trips to some of our public lands on the southern and northern border are impossible. Most Americans don’t realize that many of our public lands along both the northern and southern U.S. borders are being destroyed due to environmental regulations that prohibit Border Patrol from securing these areas. These federal lands have become a highway for criminal activity, including drugs smugglers, human traffickers and potential terrorists. This has led to es... Read More »

News Driving the Week: Potential Ban on Bullets Rejected by EPA

| Committee Staff

EPA made right move on lead issue (AZ Republic Editorial 8/31/10) Gun owners dodge the bullet ban (Washington Times Editorial 8/30/10) EPA rejects traditional ammo ban petition claiming lack of jurisdiction (Phoenix Examiner 8/28/10) EPA caves: Rejects petition to ban lead in ammo (American Thinker 8/28/10) EPA Denies Petition to Ban Traditional Ammunition (National Shooting Sports Foundation 8/28/10) EPA Denies Petition to Ban Lead Bullets (Washington Independent 8/27/10) GOP Congressman: Potential Lead Bullet Ban An "Assault on Rural America" by Obama Administration (Weekly Standard 8/27/10... Read More »

National Park Service Turns 94

| Committee Staff

On August 25, 1916, President Woodrow Wilson signed a bill creating the National Park Service, a new federal bureau of the Department of the Interior responsible for protecting the 35 national parks and monuments then managed by the Department. Today, the National Park System comprises 392 national parks and 2,461 national historic landmarks. Republicans on the House Natural Resources Committee are committed to expanding opportunities for all Americans to enjoy our beautiful public lands and support the smart, efficient use of our natural resources in order to both protect the environment and ... Read More »

News Driving the Day: Obama Administration Knew Drilling Ban Could Cost Tens of Thousands of Jobs

| Committee Staff

Gulf Drilling Ban Would Cost 23,000 Jobs, Regulator Estimates in Memo (Bloomberg 8/23/10) Gov't: 23K workers affected by Gulf oil drill ban (AP 8/22/10) Admin. Estimated 23,000 Jobs Lost to Moratorium (RedState 8/23/10) U.S. Saw Drill Ban Killing Many Jobs (WSJ 8/21/10) Report: Interior pins 23,000 job losses on deepwater drilling ban (The Hill 8/21/10) Read More »

Rep. Cassidy: Gulf Coast Can't Afford CLEAR Disaster

| Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA)

Gulf Coast Can't Afford CLEAR Disaster By Rep. Bill Cassidy Friday, July 30, 2010 Rep. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) Two man-made disasters have hit the Gulf Coast: the BP oil spill and the President’s moratorium on energy production. A third disaster is scheduled for a vote in the House today. Two hundred twenty-six days before the Deepwater Horizon rig collapsed, the Consolidated Land, Energy, and Aquatic Resources (CLEAR) Act was introduced in the House. A repackaged version is now being sold as a response to the BP oil spill. This bill has much less to do with preventing another spill than it does ... Read More »