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Press Release

Biden's War on Domestic Energy Threatens Every American

WASHINGTON, D.C., September 19, 2023 | Committee Press Office (202-225-2761)

Today, the Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held an oversight hearing examining the Biden administration's mismanagement of the federal onshore oil and gas program. Subcommittee Chairman Pete Stauber (R-Minn.) released the following statement in response:

“From cancelling the Keystone XL Pipeline on his first day in office to withdrawing millions of acres of land from oil and gas development in Alaska just two weeks ago, President Biden is crushing American energy production in every way he possibly can. As a result, the American people are paying the price at the pump. While the President and some of my colleagues on the left want to take traditional fuels off the table, the reality is that energy demand is only growing, and we need to be embracing our vast energy wealth. Rather than remaining reliant on countries like Russia and Saudi Arabia, we must restore American energy independence by encouraging domestic oil and gas development. Today’s subcommittee hearing produced a great discussion, and I was glad for the chance to highlight how this Administration’s out of touch energy policies must change to meet the energy needs of the future.”


Domestic production of oil and natural gas on federal lands is key to the economies and livelihoods of local communities across the country. Under the Biden administration, however, the Bureau of Land Management has attempted to stifle future energy production on federal lands by any means necessary. They have cut off access and suspended quarterly lease sales required by law, slowed the approval of drilling permits, locked up federal lands to development and increased costs on producers, all of which drives up energy costs for Americans. 

Today's hearing examined how President Joe Biden's actions have caused energy prices to skyrocket and have threatened the long-term viability of oil production on federal lands, thereby jeopardizing future revenues to states, local and native communities, good-paying jobs and national security.

Since day one this Congress, House Republicans have taken meaningful action to combat these devastating policies and unleash the power of American energy. H.R. 1, the Lower Energy Costs Act, deals a blow to Saudi Arabia and other OPEC+ nations, China, invests in pro-growth policies that lift communities out of energy poverty and revitalizes our economy. It's a win for every American who drives a car, pays a utility bill, or turns on a light switch. 

Within two months of being in the majority, the committee held multiple oversight hearings investigating the reckless energy policy of the Biden administration. One of these hearings was in Stauber’s own district, where Biden’s Department of Interior effectively shut down a mine that would’ve provided hundreds of local jobs and millions of dollars of economic revenue. Additionally, Committee Chairman Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.), alongside other Republicans, supported the Transparency, Accountability, Permitting, and Production of (TAPP) American Resources Act. These steps are part of the committee's continued effort to undo the regulations that have hurt Americans during Biden’s tenure. 

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