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House Republicans Introduce Bill to Strengthen Rural Broadband Infrastructure

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Today, House Committee on Natural Resources Ranking Member Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) joined U.S. Rep. John Curtis (R-Utah) and four other Republican members in introducing the Broadband Permitting Modernization Act, a package of four bills designed to strengthen rural broadband infrastructure across America.

"When I'm home in Arkansas, one of the main issues I hear about from constituents is the need for greater internet connectivity in rural communities," Westerman said. "I drop calls all the time when I'm on the road, and even my district office in downtown Hot Springs struggles with having a reliable connection. With everything from jobs to education dependent on the internet, we cannot continue letting the neighborhood McDonald's be the most reliable place for WiFi. This is why I'm honored to be introducing the Broadband Permitting Modernization Act today with Congressman Curtis and other Republican members. It's essential legislation that brings outdated permitting regulations into the 21st Century, making it faster and easier for providers to get secure, reliable broadband to Americans across the country. Your ability to log onto the internet shouldn't depend on your ZIP code, and I hope to see this bill pass quickly through the House."

"These proposals are a major win for Utah and both urban and rural communities across the country," Curtis said. "The past year has shown us just how important broadband access is for both our financial and physical well-being. Broadband has saved millions of jobs, kept millions of students in the classroom with limited disruptions, and helped millions of patients safely access their health care providers via telehealth. But there’s no question that more work lies ahead, and we can make significant strides in closing the digital divide through commonsense regulating easing proposals that these bills achieve. In addition to leveling the playing field in underserved communities, these reforms would be cost-effective and not increase the financial burden on hardworking Americans in the form of burdensome tax increases at a time in which millions of families continue to struggle as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.”



Ninety-seven percent of Americans who live in urban population areas have access to high-speed internet and broadband services, but in the nation’s rural areas, access to reliable high-speed broadband is often scarce. An estimated 19 million rural Americans still lack high-speed internet services. Like electricity to power our lights and appliances, broadband has become an essential utility that supports greater economic growth for connected communities, access to better health care and a broad array of educational opportunities for school children and adults alike.  

Establishing broadband requires infrastructure, and our nation’s public lands are uniquely suited to help connect rural America to today's information-driven, global economy.  The Broadband Permitting Modernization Act is a package of commonsense, cost-effective legislative proposals advanced by House Republicans to modernize broadband permitting on federal lands. 

Read the full bill here.

Sponsoring Members: U.S. Reps. John Curtis (R-Utah), Kelly Armstrong (R-N.D.), David McKinley (R-W.V.), Fred Upton (R-Mich.), Bruce Westerman (R-Ark.) and Rob Wittman (R-Va.).