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Press Release

Republicans Continue to Lambaste Irregular Operations

“A modified Zoom call is no substitute for the deliberative process”

Today, during a scheduled Water, Oceans, and Wildlife subcommittee hearing, Republican Leader Tom McClintock (R-Calif.) opened business by continuing to push back against Democrats’ attempts to undermine the legislative process.

Watch the Opening Statement HERE.

“I want to begin by once again protesting the irregular process by which the Committee continues to operate. A modified Zoom call is no substitute for the deliberative process of coming together and meeting, which the Congress is designed and intended to do. I am gratified that a few more members of the Committee are actually showing up for work, but the product of that work is not to be taken seriously until we return to the regular order of the House.”

Since March, Republican Members have excoriated Democrats for sidelining elected voices of the minority by favoring deceiving political messaging pursuits. Committee Ranking Member Rob Bishop (R-Utah) has insisted on the need to adopt a more collaborative process during this time, instead of the virtual operations that have enabled the circumvention of opposing viewpoints.

Click HERE to watch the legislative hearing.