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Press Release

WTAS: Re-opening of the Northeast Canyons, Marine National Monument to Commercial Fishing

Today, President Trump announced the re-opening of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument for commercial fishing. Below is what they are saying:

“American fishermen work hard to support their communities, provide food security to the nation, and protect the environments where they make their livelihoods. President Obama swept aside a public, science-based fishery management process with the stroke of a pen. That was a mistake. Ranking Member Bishop deserves thanks for his work in opposing that sort of misuse of the Antiquities Act. We applaud today’s presidential proclamation on the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Monument for restoring the open, collaborative, and science-based council management process that has made our fisheries a model for the world.” – Robert B. Vanasse, Executive Director, Saving Seafood

“We want to thank President Trump for recognizing the prior Administration’s actions pursuant to the Antiquities Act to unilaterally close nearly 5,000 square miles to commercial fishing operations were harmful to U.S. fishermen and their coastal communities and undermines our country’s seafood production. While everyone seems to agree our Nation’s fisheries management system achieves sustainability and our seafood production some of the safest and healthiest in the world -- it is remarkable that anyone would prohibit access to large productive fishing areas with no scientific justification and  the stroke of an executive pen. This President got it right and our industry appreciates the support.” -  Jeff Reichle, Chairman, Lund’s Fisheries, Inc.

"Seafreeze extends our sincere thanks to President Trump for re-opening the Northeast Monument to our commercial fishing vessels. Our vessels have sustainably harvested product in the Monument area for over 30 years, and its closure meant a loss of millions of dollars a year to our company. We applaud President Trump's decision to support our American commercial fishermen and the world's most sustainable fisheries." - Meghan Lapp, Fisheries Liaison, Seafreeze Ltd.  

“Today,  President Trump acknowledged the tremendous social and economic contributions our American Commercial Fishing Industry and the small businesses that support us provide to the American public.  This Presidential support comes at a critical time for our Industry and the Nation as a whole.  For this, Mr. President, we are grateful.” – Eric Reid, Rhode Island