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Press Release

Bishop Statement on EO Prioritizing Water, Energy Infrastructure Projects

Today, Ranking Republican Rob Bishop (R-Utah) released the following statement regarding President Trump’s recent Executive Order, Accelerating the Nation’s Economic Recovery from the COVID-19 Emergency by Expediting Infrastructure Investments and Other Activities. This EO responds to economic hardships caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and prioritizes authorized energy and infrastructure projects on federal lands, as well as previously authorized and future water projects. 

As we begin our economic recovery from COVID-19, it is encouraging to have a President who understands the importance of getting Americans back to work and eliminating substantial delays that kill our desperately needed infrastructure projects. This executive order streamlines the permitting process by encouraging agencies to use their authorities to expedite the completion of highways and other crucial projects. Now is the time for timely agency action, not a system bogged down in bureaucracy.”

Read the EO HERE.