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Press Release

Committee Republican Leaders Send Letter Opposing Egregious Rule Changes

“We oppose this partisan assault on the rights of the House Minority”

Today, Ranking Republican Rob Bishop (R-Utah), along with Ranking Members of all standing and select committees, sent a letter to Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) opposing the Democrats’ push to unilaterally change the rules of the House of Representatives. H. Res. 965 would be the most consequential change to House operations since the establishment of the modern committee system in the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946.

Upending more than 200 years of precedent through partisan fiat will jeopardize the deliberative process of the House of Representatives and our ability to represent our constituents...

“Congress has already demonstrated that we can come together during this crisis to address the needs of the American people. Unfortunately, many of the proposed changes in H. Res. 965 are only necessary if you seek to move partisan measures or legislation un-related to the COVID-19 response. The rights of the Minority in the House must be protected. Without the ability to ensure the rights of our Members are secured, we cannot support your efforts and will oppose any attempt to alter the rules.”

Read the letter HERE.