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Press Release

Bishop Statement on Democrats’ Delusional Climate Legislation

WASHINGTON, D.C., December 18, 2019 | Committee Press Office (202-225-2761)

Today, Ranking Republican Rob Bishop (R-Utah) released the following statement on H.R. 5435, the “Americans Public Lands and Waters Climate Solution Act.” Introduced yesterday by Committee Chairman Grijalva, the Democrat proposal would stifle crucial conservation funding, decimate local economies which rely on revenue generated from energy development on federal lands and waters, and increase America’s reliance on foreign countries to meet the nation’s domestic energy demand.     

“Really? After a year of thought and careful consideration, this is the best Democrats can do?

“Democrats seem content to serve up empty promises under the guise of a ‘Climate Solution.’ Since when has increasing dependency on foreign energy, zeroing out revenues that support local schools, and jeopardizing programs been considered a solution? Through innovation and the highest environmental quality standards, America has thrived under an all-of-the-above approach to affordable energy. Congress should develop sensible proposals to meet our energy needs, not try and score political points.”